Monkeys die in well while looking for water in 45°C heat.

Lakes completely gone due to extreme heat.

June 5th 2024.

Monkeys die in well while looking for water in 45°C heat.
The scorching heat in India has been taking a toll on both humans and animals. With temperatures reaching a staggering 45°C, the local troop of monkeys was in a desperate search for water to cool off and rehydrate. Sadly, their search ended in tragedy as 32 monkeys lost their lives after falling into a well.

This unfortunate incident is just one of the many casualties that have occurred during India's deadly heatwave. In fact, the extreme heat has caused entire lakes to dry up, leaving both humans and animals struggling for survival. The death toll has risen to over 200 people, including poll workers and voters who were casting their ballots in the general election.

The high temperatures have also raised concerns about a phenomenon known as 'wet bulb', where the humidity in the air makes it impossible for people to regulate their body heat through sweating. This has already caused the mass deaths of fruit bats and now, it has claimed the lives of 32 monkeys in the state of Jharkhand.

The temperatures in this region have not dropped below 40°C for months, making it almost unbearable for all living beings. With lakes turning to dust, the troop of monkeys had no choice but to jump into a well in their desperate attempt to quench their thirst. However, this ended in tragedy as they became trapped and drowned in the well.

According to reports, the monkeys had been scouring nearby villages in search of water before they met their unfortunate fate. Investigations are currently underway and forest officials are awaiting the results of the monkeys' post-mortems. Kumar Ashish, a local government forest officer, stated that a team of officials is looking into the matter.

Despite the deadly heatwave, the general election in India saw a high turnout, with two thirds of the nearly one billion eligible voters casting their ballots. However, amidst the chaos and tragedy, there was some political news as well. Prime Minister Narendra Modi's party, the Bharatiya Janata Party, lost its majority in the Lok Sabha, but still managed to win the most seats for the third consecutive election. This means that Modi can continue his reign with the support of allied parties.

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