Mondaire Jones is running for a New York House seat again.

Dems need more members to fight GOP, Jones says, addressing distrust with party.

July 13th 2023.

Mondaire Jones is running for a New York House seat again.
On July 4th, Mondaire Jones launched his comeback bid for the New York House of Representatives with a masterfully crafted campaign video. The tagline for his campaign centered around how personal the race was for him, and the video emphasized his working-class background in order to position himself as a champion for the well-being of New York’s workers.

Jones discussed his tight-knit community and family, in particular his mother, in order to come across as a relatable figure. Jones had formerly held the position in 2020 and is now running for the Democratic nomination in New York’s 17th Congressional District against Liz Whitmer Gereghty, the sister of Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer.

Jones’s website states that he was responsible for negotiating the passage of the bipartisan Infrastructure Act as well as getting the American Rescue Plan Act passed. His legislative activity during his tenure earned him the title of the most legislatively active freshman in Congress. Though a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Jones still voted to increase police funding and to give Israel more money for their Iron Dome project.

In his video announcement, Jones took some time to address his past choice to vote for increased police funding. Jones also talked to Intelligencer, New York Magazine’s political arm, in August of 2022, where he revealed his motivations for switching from the 17th district to the 10th district.

He expressed that he felt it was important to stand up against the Republican Party who he referred to as “full of fascists” and noted that any serious candidate had better be prepared to deal with that reality. Jones also spoke to the distrust that some have had with the Democratic Party and communicated that the party needs more members who are willing to stand up and fight.

Mondaire Jones is certainly doing that and his comeback bid is an indication of the work he is willing to do for the people of New York.

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