Mixed bag reflections

At the end of every work week, I spend a few minutes reflecting on it. As I look back, I typically remember the screw ups and missteps first.

Then a few good moments pop in to remind me it wasn’t all bad.

Every once a while, there’s a week that had significantly more good moments than bad. And vice versa.

But, most weeks, it is a mixed bag. There are some wins and some losses. I could call it either – it would just depend on my point of view.

Over time, I’ve come to realize that attempting to figure out whether it was a “net” positive or negative is an exercise in futility. It is also besides the point. You don’t know if a good day is a good day. And you certainly have no clue if a week is good or bad for the same reason.

The point of the reflection is to take stock of the good, reflect on the bad, learn from both, and commit to taking the best next step the following week.

The process is all we control. It is all that is worth focusing on.

In the long run, the outcomes work themselves out.
