Mistakenly assumed deceased woman is actually alive, funeral home staff discover.

A woman was transferred from a hospice because the staff thought she had passed away.

June 4th 2024.

Mistakenly assumed deceased woman is actually alive, funeral home staff discover.
During a press conference held yesterday, the police shared details about a shocking incident that occurred. It was revealed that a woman, identified as Constance Glantz, had been declared dead and taken to a funeral home in Nebraska. However, upon arrival, the staff were surprised to discover that she was actually still alive.

According to reports, Glantz, who was 74 years old, was believed to have passed away in a hospice earlier that morning. She was then transferred to the Butherus-Maser & Love Funeral Home in Lincoln, where an undertaker began preparing her body for her funeral. It was during this process that they noticed she was still breathing and immediately called 911 for help.

Emergency workers arrived and administered CPR before rushing her to the hospital. The current status of her condition has not been disclosed. During the press conference, Lancaster County Chief Deputy Ben Houchin stated, "It's a very unusual case. I've been doing this for 31 years and I've never encountered something like this before." He also mentioned that the investigation into the incident is ongoing and they have not found any evidence of criminal intent by the nursing home.

The Butherus-Maser & Love Funeral Home in Lincoln, Nebraska has been at the center of this mistaken death case. Glantz had been receiving end-of-life care at the hospice and was pronounced dead at 9:44 am before being taken to the funeral home. According to some local reports, a doctor had even signed a death certificate, although it's unclear if it was finalized. In the area, it is standard procedure for a coroner to confirm death before the body is released.

In this particular situation, the coroner was not contacted as the death was expected due to Glantz's condition as a hospice patient. Chief Deputy Houchin explained that the mistake was realized when an employee was preparing her remains for the funeral and noticed she was still alive. He also added that the nursing home and other parties involved will be reviewing their protocols to prevent this from happening again. The investigation is ongoing.

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