Mike Nussbaum, star of Men in Black, has passed away at age 99.

He was nearing his centennial birthday.

December 23rd 2023.

Mike Nussbaum, star of Men in Black, has passed away at age 99.
It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to Mike Nussbaum. The 99-year-old actor passed away on Saturday morning in his home in Chicago, one week before his 100th birthday. TMZ reported that his death was due to old age and his daughter, Karen, said it was simply his time.

Mike was one of the oldest living actors in the industry and was still performing plays such as Hamlet at the age of 95! He was best known for his role in the 1997 Will Smith movie, Men in Black, as well as Bob Drimmer in Fatal Attraction and the principal in Field of Dreams.

The Agency Entertainment team wishes to extend their condolences to Mike Nussbaum’s family and friends during this difficult time. We invite our readers to stay updated on celebrity news and entertainment updates by following us on Twitter and Facebook. Additionally, you can now get our articles sent straight to your device by signing up for our daily push alerts.

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