Microsoft's Xbox head, Phil Spencer, has announced that the company will no longer be offering exclusive DLC content for their Xbox Call of Duty titles, ending their console exclusivity.

Microsoft has stated that they will not limit the Call Of Duty series to just Xbox, and that they have no plans to add exclusive content to the games.

March 1st 2023.

Microsoft's Xbox head, Phil Spencer, has announced that the company will no longer be offering exclusive DLC content for their Xbox Call of Duty titles, ending their console exclusivity.

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Microsoft is committed to ensuring Call Of Duty players on all platforms have the same experience, and have no plans to offer exclusive content or release DLC ahead of other platforms. Xbox boss Phil Spencer has stated that they are not interested in creating skins for guns or certain modes for the game, and instead are focused on making sure the same version of the game is available on all platforms, similar to how Minecraft and Minecraft Dungeons are the same across all platforms. This could be seen as a positive move, as platform exclusive content has been a point of contention in the past with certain companies such as Square Enix.

Microsoft is adamant that they will not be offering exclusive content for Call Of Duty if they are able to acquire Activision Blizzard. They want to ensure that all players, regardless of what platform they use, will have access to the same game. Phil Spencer has said that they are not interested in any kind of exclusive bonuses, such as gun skins or modes, and that the same version of the game should be available on all platforms. He adds that this is the same approach they are taking with the Minecraft and Minecraft Dungeons games, as well as the upcoming Minecraft Legends, to ensure that everyone can enjoy the same game.

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