Masks are now mandatory again at Morris Brown College, following the reinstatement of the mandate.

Morris Brown College is being cautious and taking precautions.

August 25th 2023.

Masks are now mandatory again at Morris Brown College, following the reinstatement of the mandate.
Morris Brown College, a private historically Black Liberal Arts school in Atlanta, has recently called for all students and employees to wear masks on campus for the next two weeks. Fox News reported that, although the college has not reported any positive cases of COVID-19, the school implemented this precautionary measure in response to several positive cases among students in the Atlanta University Center.

The college also placed several protocols in place, such as mask-wearing, physical distance, and contact tracing. Additionally, students are prohibited from organizing large gatherings or parties on campus for the next two weeks. College president Dr. Kevin James stressed the importance of safety and cooperation in their statement: “We prioritize your safety and seek your cooperation in preventing another pandemic. Thank you for being proactive in safeguarding our community.”

Other organizations and companies have also reinstated the mask mandate, including Lionsgate, the Los Angeles movie studio, after several positive cases were reported. Deadline reported that Lionsgate has implemented similar protocols for their employees such as contact tracing. The Biden Administration has also advised Americans to get additional boosters against new covid strains.

It is clear that the mask mandate is a necessary precaution that everyone should take during this pandemic. We hope that the students of Morris Brown College have taken this precaution, and we strongly encourage all people to stay safe and wear a mask during these unprecedented times.

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