Marketing is a vital ingredient for success in any company.

If you're not spending on marketing, then your business will never grow. It's pretty simple really. Marketing is the fuel that will keep your company moving forward and beyond what you can envision today.

Marketing strategies such as customer research, product development, and promotion are very expensive. They are required to be able to guess where the clients are going to spend their money. (Ex: Microsoft lost out when their CEO was mocking the iPhone. Extremely bad research.) So if an organization does not invest in these marketing strategies it can potentially lose customers.

Marketing campaigns are crucial for any company. The marketing team must spend marketing budgets on the right channels to get the most out of their investment.

Marketing campaigns are costly but it is an investment that will not go to waste. It will only pay off in the future. Marketing work might not generate immediate sales but it will establish a foundation for future sales and make it easier to grow your customer base with every new member gained.

Possible objections to the argument: Talking about how much money you are saving by not investing in marketing could backfire with customers who see this as a lack of interest or commitment to the company. Or, you may end up not realizing your sector is dead, a bit too late.
