Many game industry leaders do not enjoy video games - Reader's Feature.

Reader worries about lack of concern for gaming industry from publisher executives and fears for well-known game developers.

May 26th 2024.

Many game industry leaders do not enjoy video games - Reader's Feature.
As the video game industry has been facing a tumultuous year, many have started to question the competence of those in charge. Is Phil Spencer failing as head of Xbox? Is Sony becoming complacent? And what about the executives who seem to have no understanding or passion for gaming, like the one who confidently labeled Skull And Bones as a "quadruple-A game" despite knowing that it's not true?

It's a shame that the voices we often hear from are those of the executives who don't really care about the industry they're in. Does Bobby Kotick truly love gaming, or was he simply desperate to stay at Activision for so long? And what about the faceless bean counters at companies like EA? Are they really interested in pushing the boundaries of interactive art, or are they more concerned with their financial gains?

But it's not just the lack of passion for gaming that concerns me, it's also the way these executives handle their positions. We've all heard stories about meddling executives ruining movies, and the same thing happens in the gaming industry. However, due to the secretive nature of the industry, we rarely get the full details of what goes on behind the scenes.

It's easy to see through the facade when these executives pretend to enjoy video games, claiming to have watched their nephew play Fortnite for a few minutes. And while some, like Phil Spencer, may have a genuine interest in gaming, their financial concerns will always take precedence. The sad truth is that none of these executives truly care about games or are willing to make sacrifices to improve them.

In contrast, the developers who actually create the games we love pour their hearts and souls into their work, often sacrificing their time, mental well-being, and even their families to ensure a company's profit margin increases by a mere 1%. They work unpaid overtime and are constantly under the threat of being laid off, even after pouring all their efforts into a game.

What's even more disheartening is the attitude of executives like the head of Take-Two, who boasts about the success of GTA and promises investors that GTA 6 will be the best game ever. But do they even know what makes a good game? To them, it's all about the numbers on a financial spreadsheet.

This lack of genuine interest in gaming is also evident in the way companies have been handling the current crisis. Layoffs, cancellations of original games, and a focus on live service games with a low chance of success have become the norm. But it's not just the executives who are to blame, as even some of the supposed developers, like Hermen Hulst and Neil Druckmann, seem to lack a true understanding of what makes a great game.

Take Hideo Kojima, for example. His Twitter profile proudly proclaims that 70% of his body is made of movies. If he loves movies so much, why is he making games? And why does he constantly try to turn games into the type of entertainment he prefers? These talented individuals may not make great leaders for the gaming industry, as the current state of affairs clearly demonstrates.

Unfortunately, I doubt things will change anytime soon. As the bigger companies continue to buy up smaller developers, there will be more middlemen and upper managers who have little to no understanding of gaming, and the actual creative minds behind our favorite games will have less control.

It's a worrying time for the gaming industry, but there is still hope. With the return of portable gaming through the PSP and a resurgence of interest in older games, it's clear that the passion for gaming is still alive and well among fans. Let's hope that this passion can continue to thrive and that those in charge will start to prioritize the well-being of the industry and the creators who make it all possible.

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