Man with hair transplant arrested on plane for refusing to leave due to bleeding.

Staff were worried about his head and possible exposure to bodily fluids.

August 22nd 2024.

Man with hair transplant arrested on plane for refusing to leave due to bleeding.
Euginio Ernesto Hernandez-Garnier, a man who had recently undergone a hair transplant, found himself in a bit of a predicament while aboard a plane. He and his companion, Yusleydis Blanca Loyola, were asked to leave the aircraft at Miami airport because staff were worried about the condition of his head and the potential for bodily fluids to contaminate the area.

However, Hernandez-Garnier explained that he did not have any fresh bandages to clean up the wound on his scalp. Despite this, the pair refused to leave the plane, with Yusleydis boldly stating that if they couldn't fly, then no one else could either. In fact, she even began live streaming the whole ordeal on TikTok.

As the situation escalated, other passengers had to disembark due to the commotion. Eventually, the couple was handcuffed and taken off the American Airlines flight. They are now facing charges of trespass and resisting arrest.

It was certainly a chaotic and disruptive scene for all involved. Staff had genuine concerns for the well-being of Hernandez-Garnier's head and the potential for contamination, while the couple was determined to continue their journey regardless. The livestreaming of the incident only added to the drama and tension.

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