Man sentenced to prison for sending hateful and sexist messages to their elected official.

MP was hurt by racism & misogyny meant to tear them down & cause distress, leaving them feeling devastated.

March 22nd 2023.

Man sentenced to prison for sending hateful and sexist messages to their elected official.

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Claudia Webbe, the MP for Leicester East, stated that the messages had a significant impact on her.

Hasmukh Doshi, 72, was given a 28-month prison sentence after sending racist and sexist messages to his MP between March and November of 2021.

Ms Webbe explained that the abusive messages caused her to feel 'deeply hurt', questioning her role as an MP. She further said that 'no matter how much I helped and regardless of the success of some of the outcomes achieved, it was never enough, I would still be the target of hate and regarded as inferior'.

Claudia Webbe was previously expelled from the Labour Party due to her conviction for harassing a love rival.

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She was recorded by the complainant to have called her a 'slag', threatened her with acid, and said she would send naked pictures and videos to her daughters.

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