Man's close call with pneumonia caused by dog in unusual situation.

71-year-old man in Canary Islands gets pneumonia from his dog.

February 5th 2024.

Man's close call with pneumonia caused by dog in unusual situation.
A man recently spent three long weeks in the hospital due to contracting pasteurella multocida, a bacteria commonly found in the mouths of dogs. The 71-year-old pensioner, who wishes to remain anonymous, narrowly escaped death after being licked by his Chihuahua. It was a harmless gesture from his beloved pet, but it left him struggling to breathe, according to reports.

Doctors suspect that the man may have caught the rare bug from the lick of his furry companion. He was given an oxygen mask to help with his breathing and eventually developed sepsis as a result of the infection. Sepsis can be a deadly condition, with over 40,000 people in the UK losing their lives to it every year.

Before seeking medical attention, the patient had experienced several days of diarrhoea and a high fever, as reported by the Daily Mail. It took him a week to finally go to the hospital, but by that point, he was having difficulty breathing and even coughing up yellow mucus. The man, who was a former smoker and had underlying health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and a lung disease, was immediately sent for a chest X-ray upon arrival at the hospital.

The results showed a concerning "dense opacity" in his right lung, leading to a diagnosis of pneumonia complicated by septic shock. The man was given an oxygen mask to regulate his breathing and shared with the doctors that he had not been scratched or bitten by his dog. However, blood tests revealed the presence of pasteurella multocida, a bacteria commonly found in the mouths of dogs, which was the likely cause of his illness.

According to medical professionals, pneumonia is not usually caused by this particular bacteria, but it is known to trigger infections from bites and scratches from dogs and cats. They also mentioned that sharing a bed with your dog, letting them lick you, and kissing them are all considered "risk behaviours" when it comes to contracting such bacteria.

The symptoms of sepsis are similar to those of the flu, gastroenteritis, or a chest infection. However, it is crucial to note that babies and the elderly are at a higher risk of being severely affected by pneumonia. Nevertheless, anyone can catch it, and it can also be caused by viruses such as Covid or the flu, making its way into the lungs. In severe cases, pneumonia can be caused by bacteria, and it is more likely to affect those with a weakened immune system and underlying health issues.

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