Man rowing alone across the Atlantic is joined by over 1,000 whales.

A sudden change from David Attenborough to Moby Dick.

July 13th 2024.

Man rowing alone across the Atlantic is joined by over 1,000 whales.
Tom Waddington, a UK-based ski coach, set out on a courageous solo rowing journey across the vast Atlantic Ocean from Canada to the United Kingdom. His goal was not only to challenge himself physically, but also to raise money for the mental health charity Mind. As he documented his trip on his Instagram account, he encountered a surprising and unforgettable experience.

While rowing, Waddington suddenly found himself surrounded by a large school of what he believed to be pilot whales. He couldn't contain his excitement as he captured the moment on video, exclaiming, "This is so cool! What a special treat." However, his joy was tinged with a hint of fear as he worried about the whales possibly hitting his boat's rudder.

As if on cue, one of the pods, consisting of approximately 1,000 whales, collided with the side of his boat. Despite the initial shock, Waddington was relieved to find that his rudder remained intact, allowing him to continue his incredible journey. Reflecting on the encounter afterwards, he shared, "They were just playing and going under the boat, and I was taking videos. And I was like, Oh my God. And suddenly it turned from a scene out of David Attenborough's documentary into something out of Moby Dick. I was really scared."

The whales appeared at a time when Waddington was feeling a little down after a rainy morning. However, after the unexpected collision, he felt it was time to part ways with his new sea companions. He tried shouting and splashing his oars, but the whales continued to follow him. In a moment of desperation, he called his team on land for advice and was advised not to engage with the pod.

After about two hours, the whales lost interest and swam off, leaving Waddington with a rush of "whale-fueled adrenaline" for the remainder of his journey. As the post on his Instagram read, "Eventually, they left Tom alone. He was left safe, dry, and with one of the most incredible experiences imaginable!" This incredible encounter will surely be a highlight of Waddington's journey and a memory he will cherish forever.

But the excitement didn't end there. Waddington also had the opportunity to share his story and inspire others through Metro's community on Whatsapp. Joining the group means receiving the latest news updates, including Waddington's unforgettable encounter with the friendly pilot whales. As he continues his journey, we can't wait to see what other remarkable experiences he will encounter.

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