Man imprisoned after sharing disgusting videos of animal abuse on social media.

Peter Stanley uploaded disturbing videos of baby monkeys being abused on a closed Facebook page.

September 25th 2024.

Man imprisoned after sharing disgusting videos of animal abuse on social media.
Peter Stanley, a 42-year-old man described as a 'gentle giant', has been sentenced to 20 months in jail for his involvement in a disturbing online group that shared videos of baby monkeys being tortured. It was a secret obsession for Stanley, who had previously worked at a solicitors' firm. He was part of a private Facebook group called 'Monkey Sauce' where members were encouraged to share and view videos of monkey torture.

During the police raid of his home, 75 videos of monkeys in distress were found on his phone. In addition, Stanley had been searching for disturbing terms such as 'Horse Porn' and 'How to tell if a baby monkey is distressed' on the internet. It was later revealed that he had also shared his own videos of baby long-tailed macaque monkeys being tortured on the private Facebook group.

The group, which was believed to be based in Thailand or Indonesia, showed extreme violence towards these innocent animals. The videos, ranging from 7 to 15 minutes in length, depicted horrifying acts such as mutilation and torture with tools like pliers, hatchets, and machetes. Stanley did not create these videos himself, but he had expressed his hatred towards monkeys to the group moderators and was eager to join their sickening community.

It was thanks to undercover animal welfare activists that Stanley's Facebook ID was passed on to the police. They had infiltrated the group and gathered evidence of the crimes being committed. The arrest of Stanley came after the broadcast of a BBC documentary that exposed the existence of these disturbing videos. The Monkey Haters revealed the dark world of streaming videos containing the torture of innocent baby monkeys.

During his hearing at Liverpool Crown Court, Stanley pleaded guilty to three counts of publishing obscene material. Senior Crown Prosecutor Thomas Quirk described the videos as 'truly horrific' and expressed his disbelief at why anyone would want to be involved in such despicable acts. Stanley's defense lawyer, Charles Lander, pointed out that his client had been described as 'caring and friendly' by two references and was now filled with remorse and regret for his actions.

Despite these claims, Judge Ian Harris could not overlook the gravity of the offenses committed by Stanley. He stated that these acts have no place in a civilized society and sentenced Stanley to 20 months in prison. It was revealed that Stanley had no direct involvement in harming the animals, but he had willingly joined the group and contributed to the distribution of these disturbing videos.

After the hearing, co-founder of Action for Primates, Sarah Kite, expressed gratitude to the police for taking action against the posting of these videos on Facebook. She also hoped that this prosecution would serve as a warning to other social media platforms, such as Facebook, to take responsibility for the content being shared on their platforms. The actions of individuals like Stanley must be condemned and punished accordingly.

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