Man gets free punches after trying to kiss youth on train; video goes viral in hilarious romance overload.

A man was violently attacked for reportedly kissing another young man on a crowded train, which was recorded and shared on social media by the alleged victim.

March 5th 2025.

Man gets free punches after trying to kiss youth on train; video goes viral in hilarious romance overload.
In a shocking and disturbing incident, a man was viciously assaulted after allegedly kissing another youth on a crowded train. The entire ordeal was captured on video by the youth and later shared on social media, sparking widespread outrage and debate.
The footage shows the youth confronting the accused man, whom he claims forcibly kissed him while he was asleep on the train. The location and time of the incident are currently unknown, and the authenticity of the video has not been verified by OrissaPOST. However, since the video surfaced online, it has been widely shared and viewed by many.
The train in the video appears to be extremely crowded, with passengers standing and others sitting or sleeping. In the midst of this chaos, the accused man is seen sitting on a lower berth while the youth accuses him of his despicable act. The youth then proceeds to physically assault the man, pulling him from his seat and repeatedly hitting and kicking him.
What makes this incident even more alarming is that none of the bystanders seem to take the matter seriously until the man starts getting beaten. The youth can be heard saying in the video that nobody is paying attention and that if this had happened to a woman, the accused would have been punished immediately. He also mentions that if the accused's wife had been the victim, the man himself would have reacted violently.
The accused man's wife can also be seen trying to defend her husband, but the youth refuses to let the matter go and continues to attack the accused. He also expresses frustration that no one in the crowd is supporting him and instead, is urging him to drop the matter and let the accused go. However, the youth refuses to back down and insists on punishing the man for his actions.
The argument escalates as the youth grabs the accused by the collar and continues to physically assault him while the accused's wife pleads for him to be left alone. The youth even pushes her aside and instructs the person recording the video to call the police.
It is unclear what happened after the video ended, and there are no reports of any police action taken in this case. The incident serves as a reminder of the dangers of taking advantage of someone's vulnerability, and it is a disturbing insight into the bystander effect and how we, as a society, tend to overlook or downplay certain actions until they directly affect us. Let us all strive to be more aware and responsible citizens, standing up against any form of abuse and injustice.

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