Man forced to remove rooftop garden due to complaints despite his investment and effort.

We put so much effort into this only to be asked to remove it.

August 29th 2024.

Man forced to remove rooftop garden due to complaints despite his investment and effort.
Rob Wood, a 53-year-old man, has been the proud owner of Broadsands Beach Watersports Centre in Paignton, Devon for the past 17 years. Recently, he decided to add a unique touch to the center by building a homemade rooftop garden. His aim was not only to beautify the area but also to tackle the issue of anti-social behavior in the neighborhood. And it wasn't just humans that he wanted to benefit from the garden, but also the local wildlife.

Rob's garden, with its Mediterranean style, quickly became a popular spot for both tourists and locals. It was a peaceful haven where people could unwind and appreciate nature. The garden also had an unexpected positive impact on the community by deterring anti-social behavior. However, Rob's joy was short-lived as he received a notice from the local council to take down his beloved garden due to potential health and safety hazards.

According to the council, any modifications made to leased buildings must comply with certain regulations, including planning, structural safety, and health and safety. Since Rob's garden was built without prior permission, it was deemed unsafe and had to be removed. This came as a shock to Rob, who had put his heart and soul into creating the garden. He explained that before the garden, the space was dull and uninviting, and unfortunately, it attracted anti-social behavior. But now, with the garden, it had become a popular attraction, with people constantly complimenting and taking photos of it.

Rob's journey in building the garden began with planting a few nasturtium plants, which he used to do with his grandmother as a child. From there, it flourished into a beautiful array of plants, with the help of his three-year-old niece, Dolce, and advice from local gardeners. The garden was a labor of love, and Rob was determined to find a compromise with the council rather than completely taking it down.

He believed that the council's decision was "health and safety gone mad" and that they should have considered other options rather than a blanket order to remove it. Despite the setback, Rob and the community remained hopeful that a solution could be reached. The garden had brought people together and had a positive impact on the area, with a decrease in anti-social behavior since its creation in March.

The garden's popularity also attracted tourists, who enjoyed taking photos and videos of it. In fact, Rob had even put up a sign, encouraging people who loved the garden to email the council and show their support. He questioned why the council couldn't come up with an alternative solution rather than just asking for it to be taken down.

In response to the council's concerns, Rob and his team made some changes to improve safety, such as installing a no access sign and removing a table and chairs. They wanted to show that they were willing to work with the council and find a way to keep the garden without compromising anyone's safety. However, despite their efforts, the council visited Rob in August and informed him of several complaints, but no formal enforcement notice had been issued yet.

The council acknowledged Rob's positive intentions but emphasized the importance of following regulations to ensure everyone's safety. They also reassured that their intention was never to limit initiatives like the garden, but they had to consider the safety of the area and its users. They hoped to resolve the matter amicably, and Rob and the community were hopeful that a compromise could be reached. The garden had become a symbol of community spirit and a haven for all, and they were not willing to give up without a fight.

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