Man flees BSO, climbs tree in Dania Beach cemetery, then surrenders.

Man runs, climbs tree at cemetery, eventually gives up and is taken into custody by BSO deputies.

July 31st 2023.

Man flees BSO, climbs tree in Dania Beach cemetery, then surrenders.
Yesterday afternoon, a man was taken into custody after a dramatic scene unfolded at a Dania Beach cemetery. Broward Sheriff's Office (BSO) deputies had been attempting to capture the suspect since 3 p.m.
7News' Skyforce hovered over the cemetery as paramedics, officers and firefighters were on the scene. The suspect, who was wanted for a felony, had fled from officers and jumped the fence of the cemetery to climb a large tree.

A crowd gathered behind the fence to watch the situation as it unfolded. One witness claimed to have seen the man at a nearby corner store where police approached him to talk, before he ran and jumped the fence.
Authorities brought out ladder trucks, but the suspect refused to come down for almost three hours. Another witness reported hearing the man yell out things he wanted from the police.

"He wanted water, to get his mom, his daughter or whatever," said the witness. Others said that his brother and other family members had been at the scene, possibly trying to coax the suspect to come down. It was reported that the man had made it to the very top of the tree.

The suspect was eventually taken down and placed on a gurney to get checked out. Officials have only confirmed that the man is a felony suspect, and it remains unclear if he is being taken to the Broward County Jail.

7News is waiting to hear back from BSO and will update the public on any new developments. Please stay tuned on and 7News for more information.

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