Man arrested for allegedly stealing a funeral home van with a body inside.

Man accused of stealing funeral van with corpse inside.

March 21st 2023.

Man arrested for allegedly stealing a funeral home van with a body inside.

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Deon Howard has been arrested two months after allegedly hijacking a funeral home van containing a corpse

Police have arrested Deon Howard, 23, two months after he is alleged to have stolen a van from Collins & Stone Funeral Home in Rockford, Illinois, containing a dead body. The victim was identified as Curtis Brown, 47.

Howard was apprehended on Sunday following a confrontation with an officer conducting a traffic stop, and was found in Green Bay, Wisconsin, which is located around 200 miles north of the crime scene.

He has been charged with abuse of a corpse and illegal possession of a stolen vehicle, and is also facing obstruction and weapons-related charges in Wisconsin. It is not yet known when he will be extradited to Illinois.

Authorities are still investigating the incident, with reports suggesting that Howard took the van after it had been left unlocked with its engine running. The funeral home’s director, Brandy Collins, has been handed a $10,000 fine for ‘unprofessional conduct, failure to account for personal property, and aiding and assisting unlicensed practice’.

Brown’s family have accused the funeral home of negligence and demanded that it be closed, whilst Collins is on probation until May of this year.

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