Man accused of splashing water on ancient cave art to improve photographs.

Ancient paintings damaged in Spain, authorities investigating.

August 9th 2024.

Man accused of splashing water on ancient cave art to improve photographs.
Authorities in Spain are currently looking into a case involving a man who is suspected of causing damage to ancient cave paintings by pouring water on them. The incident occurred in the Sierra Sur de Jaén mountain range in Andalucia, southern Spain, and has caused quite a stir on social media. The 39-year-old man, who hails from Los Villares, posted photos of the wet paintings on Facebook, which caught the attention of the Guardia Civil.

According to a statement released by the law enforcement agency on Saturday, the paintings in question are thousands of years old and are listed on the country's heritage register. As a result, the man is being investigated for a crime against historical heritage. The Guardia Civil's nature protection service launched an investigation back in May after coming across the photos online.

The photos clearly show that water has been poured onto the cave paintings, presumably in an attempt to capture a better image. However, the consequences of this act are far from desirable. The limestone that these paintings were made on contains water-soluble salts, which dissolve when water is poured on them. When the water evaporates, these salts resurface and create a crust that causes irreversible damage to the paintings.

The law enforcement agency, which is responsible for protecting Spain's historical heritage, is urging residents to report any signs of damage or vandalism to cave paintings. This is not the first incident of its kind, as there have been reports of similar damage to historical objects in other countries as well. In Italy, for example, a 22-year-old tourist was arrested last year for damaging a statue in the 16th-century Fountain of Neptune in Florence.

According to authorities, the young man had climbed over a protective barrier and posed on the statue while his friends took photos of him. This act was caught on surveillance footage and has caused outrage among locals. These incidents serve as a reminder of the importance of preserving our cultural and historical heritage. Let us all do our part in protecting these valuable treasures for future generations to appreciate and admire.

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