Man accused of killing 42 women while watching Euros final is taken into custody.

Khalusha lived in a small property near where he left the bodies.

July 15th 2024.

Man accused of killing 42 women while watching Euros final is taken into custody.
A group of men kindly offered their assistance in carrying the remains of the victims to be analyzed. The unfortunate events leading to this moment were truly horrific and shocking. It all began when a man, identified as Collins Jumaisi Khalusha, confessed to the murder of 42 women. He had been dumping their bodies in a slum district in Nairobi for the past two years. The police were able to track him down and arrest him while he was watching the Euros finals at a local bar. Reports say that he was even speaking to another woman at the time, who could have potentially been his next victim.

The woman he was speaking to, known only as Susan, is currently being questioned by authorities. They are trying to gather information on how Khalusha approached her and what they discussed. After his arrest, Khalusha admitted to his heinous crimes. He would lure these women to their deaths and in some cases, even have sexual relations with them before killing them. The Directorate of Criminal Investigations Chief Mohamed Amin described him as a "psychopathic serial killer" with no regard for human life.

According to reports, the killings began in 2022 with the murder of Khalusha's wife. He dismembered her body before disposing of it in a nearby dump. However, his killing spree did not stop there. He continued to prey on unsuspecting women, using the same dump site for all of his victims. It wasn't until one of his murder victims, Josephine Owino, was linked to him through mobile phone data that he was finally caught. Shockingly, Khalusha was living in a small one-room property just 100 yards away from where he had been dumping the bodies.

During the investigation, the police were able to recover multiple items from Khalusha, including a machete, sacks, rope, rubber gloves, and personal belongings of some of his victims, such as a pink handbag and female underwear. So far, nine bodies have been found and eight have been confirmed to be female. Autopsies are currently being conducted to gather more evidence.

As the investigation continued, the police made another arrest. This time, it was someone who was caught with one of the mobile phones belonging to the victims. The Kenya Police watchdog, the Independent Police Oversight Authority, has faced criticism for their involvement in the case. It was discovered that the location where the bodies had been dumped was only a hundred meters away from a police station. They are currently looking into whether or not the officers on duty had failed in their duty to prevent these horrific murders from happening.

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