Major star on Coronation Street will have a dark exit as she's forced to leave the show.

Deceit and coercion are central to the issue.

August 19th 2024.

Major star on Coronation Street will have a dark exit as she's forced to leave the show.
Beth was in for a rude awakening as she found herself being backed into a corner by none other than Kit Green. His manipulative ways were about to cause some serious trouble in Coronation Street next week. It all started a few weeks ago when Kit's darker side was revealed. He had caught wind of Beth's partnership with a man named Sid, who helped her sell knock-off t-shirts from the factory.

One evening, Kit had a meeting with Sid and demanded that he kick Beth off the team and bring him on board instead. To make matters worse, Kit even threatened to report Sid and Beth to the police if he didn't get his way. As you can imagine, this put Beth in a very risky situation.

The drama intensified when Beth discovered that Sid had been secretly selling their knock-off t-shirts in the precinct and keeping all the profits for himself. As she watched in shock, Kit showed up and added fuel to the fire. He handed Beth some cash and gave her an ultimatum - leave Weatherfield by the end of the week or he would ruin Craig's career.

Despite the chaos, Beth's love life took an unexpected turn when Kirk confessed his love for her and asked her to marry him with the help of their furry friend, Peanut. But amidst all the romantic drama, Beth couldn't shake off the fear of Kit's blackmail and the potential consequences it could have on her future in Coronation Street.

As Craig began to question Sid about his dealings with Beth, Sid pretended to know nothing but secretly contacted Kit to warn him. With Kit's blackmail constantly ringing in her ears, Beth was left wondering if she would have to say goodbye to Coronation Street for good. Will Kit's manipulation and threats push Beth to leave her beloved home behind? Stay tuned to find out.

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