Mahershala Ali was offered the role of Joel in The Last of Us, but ultimately the part went to Pedro Pascal.

The first season of The Last Of Us is almost over, with only two episodes remaining.

March 4th 2023.

Mahershala Ali was offered the role of Joel in The Last of Us, but ultimately the part went to Pedro Pascal.

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Reportedly, Oscar-winning actor Mahershala Ali had a chance to take on the role of Joel Miller in The Last of Us

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Before the HBO series was created, different adaptation ideas were explored, including a movie and a motion-capture cinematic animated series

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Jeffrey Pierce, who appeared as revolutionary rebel Perry in the TV adaptation, explained how he thought he had a 'pretty good shot' at being involved in the adaptation at one point

It was reported that prior to Pedro's casting, Oscar-winning actor Mahershala Ali had a strong chance of landing the coveted role of Joel in The Last of Us

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