Lowry describes Kamala Harris as a fake tough stance on immigration.

Kamala Harris has a history of opposing strict immigration policies and supporting more lenient legislation, but now she is trying to portray herself differently.

October 4th 2024.

Lowry describes Kamala Harris as a fake tough stance on immigration.
Kamala Harris is in a tough spot and she's trying to find a way out. She has been facing a lot of criticism for the border crisis and she believes she has found a solution to deflect the blame. Whenever she talks about the issue, she always blames Donald Trump for sabotaging the Senate border bill. In her eyes, this bill would have solved all the problems at the border and put an end to the chaos.

Harris has been vocal about her accusations against Trump, claiming that he purposely stopped the bill from passing because he would rather use the issue as a political tool instead of actually fixing it. This argument is not only a way to lessen the criticism she's facing, but it's also quite shameless. Yes, Trump did oppose the bill, but it's not like he singlehandedly ruined a bill that most Republicans were in favor of. In fact, even some Democrats were against it.

The bill itself had a major flaw - it did nothing to address the root cause of the issue. It would have only made things worse by further enabling the Biden-Harris administration's policy of allowing migrants to enter the country without any consequences. According to the current law, migrants who have a credible fear of persecution should be detained until their case is resolved, while those who do not should be detained until they can be removed from the country. However, the Biden-Harris administration has been ignoring this and releasing migrants into the US without any repercussions.

The bill also had a provision that stated if there were an average of 5,000 border encounters per day over the course of a week, the president would have to expel new illegal immigrants. This essentially meant that the administration was okay with up to 5,000 encounters per day, which is an incredibly high number. And to make matters worse, the administration already had the power to secure the border, but they chose not to use it. So this provision was essentially meaningless.

Apart from that, the bill also aimed to make the asylum process more lenient by giving asylum officers the power to grant asylum instead of immigration judges. It also would have allowed for the release of migrants. Harris often boasts about how the bill would have hired more border patrol agents, but that could have easily been passed as a standalone measure.

The truth is, the Biden-Harris administration dismantled a border system that was working under Trump, even though they were warned about the consequences. They kept the floodgates open for years, ignoring the pleas of mayors from major cities. It was only when they realized the political repercussions of their actions that they decided to take a tougher stance and support the Senate bill.

It's ironic how Harris, who has a history of advocating for lax immigration policies, is now trying to portray herself as a border hawk. Her support for the Senate bill is nothing more than a facade, a way to cover up her past actions and present herself as something she's not. Rich Lowry, the editor in chief of the National Review, sums it up perfectly - she's a faux border hawk promoting a faux border-enforcement bill.

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