Low-income families in D.C. get access to affordable housing through renovation of Howard Manor.

Low-income families can rent 1, 2, or studio units in the building.

December 3rd 2023.

Low-income families in D.C. get access to affordable housing through renovation of Howard Manor.
On December 1st, Amazon representatives, Howard University administrators, and D.C local officials celebrated the renovation of 80 apartments at the edge of Howard’s campus. The old brick building, Howard Manor, which had been standing since 1950, was given a makeover to provide affordable housing for low-income families, a long standing push of the District.

The renovation process was funded by Amazon’s Housing Equity Fund, providing a low interest loan of $31.3 million. The building now features one bedroom, two bedroom, and studio units, available to those who qualify - families must sit at 60% of the median family income in Washington, D.C, which is around $85,400 for a family of four.

Howard University President Ben Vinson III hosted a news conference outside of the building. “The Howard Manor development project is a shining example of what is possible when public-private partnerships work for our people. It will provide housing, affordable housing, to dozens of Washington families,” he said. “There was a time when Howard Manor was a jewel on Georgia Avenue. We are standing on the foundation of new hope…and new community promise.”

This impressive project is part of Democratic mayor Muriel E. Bowser’s goal to generate 12,000 affordable housing units in the next two years. She has also led the city to preserve all of the existing units of housing in four different neighborhoods of the city.

Amazon’s involvement was important since their presence in the community has risked driving up housing prices, creating a risk of displacement for those with low incomes. Back in 2021, Howard Manor was at risk of being turned into a mixed-use property with retail and stores by UIP Companies, a real estate investment firm.

Former residents of Howard Manor had to face harsh tactics by the investors, pushing them out of their homes. Lestor Liburd, a 20-year Howard Manor resident, told The Washington Post, “They got rid of us so they could do what they were going to do.”

Since its development in 1950, Howard Manor has been a place of affordability and attainability for graduate students, faculty members, retirees, and hospital workers. With the help of Amazon and the support of the local government, the building has been restored to its former glory and will continue to provide an essential service to the community.

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