Local residents in Thailand are fed up with wild monkeys causing havoc in their town and have come up with a plan to remove them.

A Thai town fights its overpopulated wild monkey problem with clever tactics and fresh fruit.

May 24th 2024.

Local residents in Thailand are fed up with wild monkeys causing havoc in their town and have come up with a plan to remove them.
The town of Lopburi in central Thailand has been struggling to deal with its ever-growing population of wild monkeys. These simian raiders have caused conflict with humans, leading authorities to come up with a plan to reduce their numbers. The first step in this plan, which was put into action on Friday, involved using trickery and ripe fruit to lure the monkeys into cages.

At first, the monkeys were cautious and avoided the cages. But as hunger took over, some of them fell for the ruse and ended up trapped. The town has around 2500 monkeys, and the capture of a few dozen has helped to slightly reduce their numbers. However, this effort will continue for five days this month and may need to be repeated in the future.

The roaming monkeys have long been a symbol of Lopburi and a major tourist attraction. However, their increasingly aggressive behavior, such as snatching food from residents and causing injuries, has become a concern. Shops and homes have been damaged, and some businesses have even resorted to using wire to keep the monkeys out. This has affected trade, and the town's mayor, Chamroen Salacheep, has acknowledged that Lopburi has become somewhat of an "abandoned town."

To address this issue, authorities have begun to sedate the monkeys and carry out health checks. They will be cleaned, sterilized, and given tattoos for identification purposes. After that, they will be transferred to holding pens outside the town center while a permanent home is found for them. This will not only help to reduce the monkey population in Lopburi but also give these animals a fresh start.

Although this may seem like a grim time for the monkeys in Lopburi, the authorities are also taking steps to ensure their welfare. The town's mayor plans to clean and repaint the buildings to regain the trust of the people. And while some monkeys will still be left free to maintain Lopburi's image as a monkey town, the overall goal is to find a solution that benefits both the monkeys and the town's residents.

In the meantime, visitors can stay updated on the latest news, celebrity gossip, and sports updates through the town's WhatsApp channel, with no comments or algorithms to worry about. As the efforts to reduce the monkey population continue, Lopburi hopes to regain its charm and become a thriving town once again.

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