Listen to your body to understand its needs and signals.

September 23rd 2024.

Listen to your body to understand its needs and signals.
Are you tired of constantly guessing about how your diet and daily stressors are affecting your body? Well, now you don't have to! Each person's body is unique, so it's no surprise that our bodies react differently to various factors. While it's important to follow the basics of a healthy lifestyle, like eating well and staying active, sometimes it's beneficial to take a more personalized approach. One indicator of how our bodies are functioning is our glucose levels, which can also have an impact on our overall well-being.

Glucose is a molecule that circulates in our bodies and provides our cells with the energy they need. It plays a crucial role in metabolism, which is the complex process that keeps our bodies running smoothly. However, the amount of glucose in our bodies is not constant. It fluctuates based on the food and drinks we consume, as well as our level of physical activity. Even our stress levels can affect our glucose levels.

Thankfully, Abbott has developed Lingo, a biosensor, app, and coaching program that can help us understand our glucose levels and how our lifestyle choices can influence them. It's a great tool to help us build healthier habits. In the following paragraphs, we will dive deeper into the importance of understanding glucose, its role in our bodies, and how we can use this knowledge to make positive changes for our well-being.

Glucose is a vital source of fuel for our bodies, powering important functions such as the functioning of our vital organs like the heart and brain, and the movement of our muscles. When needed, our liver and kidneys can produce glucose to fuel our bodies. We also get glucose from breaking down carbohydrates in the food and drinks we consume. Therefore, when we eat carbohydrates, our glucose levels naturally increase.

However, not all carbohydrates are created equal. Simple carbohydrates, like table sugar, are converted into glucose faster than complex carbohydrates, such as vegetables and whole grains. This means that consuming a bag of sweets or a slice of sugary cake will cause a quicker rise in our glucose levels compared to a heartier option, like a slice of whole grain toast with a savory spread. Pairing carbohydrates with protein and healthy fats, like avocado or olive oil, can also slow down the rate at which carbohydrates are processed into glucose, preventing a sudden spike in our glucose levels.

Aside from food, our glucose levels can also be influenced by other lifestyle factors, such as stress. When we experience stress, our bodies go into "fight or flight" mode, which can cause an increase in our glucose levels. Poor sleep can also impact our glucose levels. For example, not getting enough sleep can lead to higher and more fluctuating glucose levels. Going to bed late and spending more time awake in bed can result in bigger glucose spikes at breakfast the next day.

Understanding how and why our glucose levels change can provide valuable insights into our bodies. However, it's important to note that everyone's response to certain foods or activities differs, so there isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. That's where Lingo comes in. It is a wearable biosensor that tracks our glucose levels 24/7 and connects to an app that provides personalized insights into our unique glucose response to food, activity, and other lifestyle factors.

Maintaining stable glucose levels can have a positive impact on our overall well-being. It can lead to improved energy levels, better mood regulation, and increased focus. On the other hand, spikes and dips in our glucose levels can cause food cravings and overeating. By keeping our glucose levels steady, we can reduce these cravings and make healthier food choices.

One of the best ways to keep our glucose levels stable is through regular exercise. Engaging in at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day can help regulate our glucose levels. Additionally, knowing what causes our glucose levels to spike can help us make better choices. For example, if we find that a particular food causes a rapid increase in our glucose levels, we can choose to eat less of it, pair it with protein and healthy fats, or take a short walk after eating it.

In conclusion, understanding our glucose levels and how they are affected by our lifestyle choices is crucial for our overall well-being. With Lingo, we can track our glucose levels and receive personalized insights to help us make healthier decisions. By maintaining stable glucose levels, we can improve our energy levels, mood, and focus, and reduce food cravings. Incorporating regular exercise and being aware of our body's response to certain foods can also help us keep our glucose levels in check. So, let's take control of our health and make proactive changes aimed at improving our well-being.
Do you ever wonder how your food choices and daily stresses truly affect your body? Well, wonder no more! With Lingo by Abbott, you can take the guesswork out of your body's response to your lifestyle.

We all know that each human being is unique, and it's no surprise that our bodies behave differently as well. While following the basics of healthy living, such as exercise and a balanced diet, is always important, sometimes it pays to take a more personalized approach. One way to do this is by understanding your glucose levels, which can be a crucial indicator of what's happening inside your body and how you're feeling.

Glucose is a molecule that circulates in your body and provides energy to your cells. It plays a vital role in metabolism, which is the complex series of chemical reactions and processes that keep your body functioning. However, the amount of glucose in your body is not constant; it constantly changes based on what you eat, drink, and the level of physical activity you engage in. Even your stress levels can influence your glucose levels.

This is where Lingo comes in. Lingo is a glucose biosensor, app, and coaching program that helps you understand your glucose levels and how your lifestyle choices impact them. By providing you with personalized insights, Lingo supports you in building healthier habits.

But what exactly is glucose, and why is it important? Glucose is a vital fuel for your body, powering essential functions like the working of your organs and muscles. It is obtained from the carbohydrates in your food and can also be produced by your liver and kidneys. When you consume carbohydrates, your glucose levels naturally rise. However, simple carbohydrates like table sugar are converted into glucose faster than complex ones, like vegetables and whole grains. This means that sugary treats will cause a faster spike in your glucose levels compared to healthier options.

Pairing carbohydrates with protein and healthy fats, such as avocado or olive oil, can also slow down the rate at which your body processes glucose, preventing a rapid rise in your levels. Additionally, lifestyle factors like stress and poor sleep can also affect your glucose levels. On the other hand, exercise can have different effects on glucose levels depending on the intensity. Low-intensity exercise can help lower high glucose levels, while high-intensity exercise may increase them to provide fuel for your working muscles.

So, what can your glucose levels tell you about your body? By understanding how and why your levels change, you can gain insight into what's happening inside your body. However, it's essential to keep in mind that everyone's response to food and activities is unique, so a one-size-fits-all approach may not be effective. This is where continuous glucose monitoring comes in. Lingo is a wearable biosensor that tracks your glucose levels 24/7 and streams the data to the Lingo app, which provides personalized insights into your unique glucose response to food, activity, and other lifestyle factors.

Maintaining stable glucose levels is linked to numerous benefits, including improved energy levels, mood regulation, and focus. It can also lead to fewer food cravings and better sleep. In fact, research has shown that higher and more fluctuating glucose levels are linked to fewer hours of sleep. By keeping your glucose levels steady, you may also experience fewer food cravings and have a better night's sleep.

So, how can you keep your glucose levels stable? By understanding what causes your levels to spike, you can make proactive changes to your lifestyle. For example, if you notice that a particular food causes a rapid rise in your glucose levels, you may choose to eat less of it, pair it with protein and healthy fats, or engage in some light exercise after consuming it. With Lingo by Abbott, taking control of your glucose levels and improving your wellbeing has never been easier.

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