List of Indian Railway ticket status codes meaning you should know when you are planning to book a ticket

If you are new to Indian railway ticket system, you may not know all the different status of the ticket. Here is quick summary of important ticket status codes along with its explanation.

When booking a train ticket in India, you might come across different status codes for your ticket. These codes indicate the current status of your booking and can help you understand whether your ticket has been confirmed or is still on a waiting list. Here are some of the different railway ticket status codes you might encounter:

    CNF (Confirmed): This means that your seat or berth has been confirmed and you have a confirmed reservation on the train.

    RAC (Reservation Against Cancellation): If your ticket status is RAC, it means that you have a confirmed seat, but you will need to share your seat or berth with someone else if your seat is not confirmed later due to cancellations.

    WL (Waiting List): This indicates that your ticket has not been confirmed yet, and you are on a waiting list. Your ticket will only be confirmed if enough cancellations occur or if additional seats are added to the train.

    GNWL (General Waiting List): This is a waiting list for the general quota, which is the main quota for most passengers. If your ticket is GNWL, it means that you are on the waiting list for the general quota.

    PQWL (Pooled Quota Waiting List): Some trains have a pooled quota for different stations, and if you are booking from one of those stations, your ticket status will be PQWL.

    RLWL (Remote Location Waiting List): If your boarding station is far from the train's originating station, your ticket status will be RLWL.

    TQWL (Tatkal Waiting List): If you book your ticket under the Tatkal quota, your ticket status will be TQWL until it is confirmed.

    CAN (Cancelled): If you have cancelled your ticket, or if your ticket was cancelled due to any other reason, the status of your ticket will be CAN.

