Linda Carter confesses heartbreaking news on EastEnders after receiving medical update.

Linda's departure causes great pain for her loved ones.

August 14th 2024.

Linda Carter confesses heartbreaking news on EastEnders after receiving medical update.
Linda had been carrying a heavy burden, one that she had been trying to keep hidden from her family. But in tonight's episode of EastEnders, she finally made a devastating confession. And let me tell you, it was a shocker.

Now, I don't want to spoil anything for those who haven't watched it yet, but let's just say that Linda's life was in serious danger. She was found choking by her sister Gina and her son Johnny, who immediately called for help. Paramedics were quick to arrive and rush her to the hospital, where her family anxiously waited for updates on her condition.

Thankfully, Linda pulled through and was declared stable by the doctors. But while her physical health may have been on the mend, her emotional state was still in turmoil. You see, before the incident that nearly took her life, Linda had a heated argument with Johnny. He was angry with her for drinking and said some hurtful things, including wishing that she had died instead of their father Mick.

Of course, Johnny didn't mean it and he was the first to apologize once he was allowed to speak to his mom. But what Linda revealed to him left him devastated. She admitted that when she woke up in the hospital, she was disappointed to still be alive. She felt like a burden to her family and didn't want to put them through any more pain.

But Johnny reassured her that everything would be okay and promised to make her his top priority from now on. He was determined to help her get better and was willing to do whatever it takes, even if it meant putting his own life on hold. He returned to the hospital later on to apologize for prioritizing Dean Wicks' trial over Linda's well-being. And he promised to get her into the best rehab to help her with her alcoholism.

But Johnny made it clear that Linda had to want to get better for herself, not just for him. And when Linda promised that she did, the question remained: will she commit to rehab? Only time will tell, but one thing's for sure, Johnny will always be there to support his mom through thick and thin.

As for the rest of the spoilers, well, you'll just have to join the 10,000 soaps fans on Metro's WhatsApp Soaps community to find out. Trust me, it's worth it. You'll get access to exclusive interviews, must-watch videos, and spoiler galleries. Just click on the link and select 'Join Chat' to be a part of the action. And don't forget to turn on notifications so you won't miss a thing.

Now, for those who have been following the show, you know that Linda and The Six framed Dean for Keanu Taylor's murder. The guilt of her actions and trying to stick to her story only made Linda's alcoholism worse. But with Johnny's love and support, she promised to get better. Will she follow through? Only time will tell. But one thing's for sure, Johnny's love and determination to help his mom will never waver.

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