Libra can find the perfect career fit with this star sign guide.

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September 23rd 2023.

Libra can find the perfect career fit with this star sign guide.
Libra is all about balance and harmony, so it makes perfect sense that when you’re considering your career options, you should consider the traits and realities of your star sign. It may just lead you to a career path that is tailor-made for your strengths. Astrology can also help you to identify any weaknesses holding you back, and open yourself up to new opportunities.

What are Libra’s career strengths? Being an Air sign ruled by Venus, Libra is all harmony, beauty, diplomacy, pleasure, and objectivity. They have a natural charm and people-pleasing skills that help them get on well with others. They are perfectionists who have a great eye for aesthetics and can take on any task that requires relationship building and management. Libras are also highly in tune with their surroundings and mindful of the feelings and needs of others.

However, people-pleasing can be both a blessing and a curse for Libra. They can become so good at blending in that they forget their own agenda and needs. They can also struggle with being assertive and making decisions, as they are prone to overthinking and procrastination.

Which jobs are Libra best at? Hospitality is a great fit for Librans, since they love pleasure, fun, and entertainment, and have a great eye for aesthetics. They can also excel in any job related to personal aesthetics, such as hair, beauty, fashion, and photography. Law and order is also a great fit for Libra, as they are naturally interested in matters of crime and punishment, and can handle serious and challenging situations. Lastly, roles that require a great deal of diplomacy, such as promotion, management, PR, and policy-making, are well-suited to Libra’s strengths.

What is Libra like as a boss? As a boss, Libra’s tact, diplomacy, and charm will make the workplace a happy, peaceful, and harmonious one. However, they may struggle with making tough decisions. They prioritize good public relations, a comfortable work environment, and gaining the high regard of influential people.

Will Libra be successful as a business owner? Libra is smart, creative, and worldly, which gives them the skills needed to be successful as a business owner. They may do better with a business partner, as they enjoy working with others and having someone to bounce ideas and decisions off of.

So, if you’re a Libra looking for career advice, you’ve come to the right place. Kerry King, the tarot queen, offers tarot and star sign readings with 25 years of fortune telling experience. You can also check out our daily The Agency horoscope to get a better understanding of your career path.

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