Learn surprising facts about penises, including their spines, that biology didn't cover.

Truth hurts (sorry).

September 25th 2024.

Learn surprising facts about penises, including their spines, that biology didn't cover.
Do you remember those awkward sex education lessons in school? It's like the teacher was trying to teach us about sex while we were all just giggling and squirming in our seats. But let's be real, those basic lessons were just scratching the surface. There's so much more to know about our sexual health, especially when it comes to our genitals. Lucky for us, our favorite Instagram doctor, Dr. Danae Maragouthakis, has all the knowledge we need.

We've already debunked some common misconceptions about penises, but now it's time to get down to the hard facts. And no, we're not just talking about the physical aspect. Did you know that there are actually three different types of erections? That's right, it's not just a one-size-fits-all situation. According to Dr. Maragouthakis, there are subconscious erections that happen while you're dreaming, psychogenic erections that can be triggered by sexual fantasies, and reflexogenic erections that result from physical stimulation.

But here's a mind-blowing fact: you don't even need an erection to have an orgasm. That's right, some people can climax without being fully erect. And for those who can't, there are other ways to achieve a satisfying end to getting it on. Plus, did you know that up to half of your erection is actually hidden? That's because about 30% of the tissues that make up your erection are internal, so you can't see them from the outside.

And here's something else you may not have learned in biology class: penises have penile spines. Don't worry, humans don't have them, but many other animals do. These pointed structures can enhance sexual sensation and even induce ovulation. Our distant cousin, the chimpanzee, has them, as well as cats, bats, and cute koalas. But one common misconception that Dr. Maragouthakis wants to clear up is that the penis is a muscle. It may look like one when it's erect, but it's actually made up of spongy tissue and blood vessels. So, no, you can't exercise it to increase size or sexual performance.

But here's some good news for all you foodies out there: certain foods can actually improve your erections. Foods high in nitric oxide, like dark chocolate, beets, garlic, watermelon, and leafy greens, can improve blood flow and thus, your erections. And who knew that oysters could give you a better erection? That's because they're high in zinc, which is important for testosterone levels and sperm production. And of course, staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water is always a good idea.

Now, for the smokers out there, here's something you may not have learned in biology class: smoking can lead to erectile dysfunction. That's because it constricts blood flow, which can affect the firmness of your erections. But the good news is, if you quit smoking, your blood vessels can heal and improve your sexual function. So, if you want to impress in the bedroom, put down that cigarette.

So, there you have it, some mind-blowing facts about erections that you probably didn't learn in school. It's important to stay informed about our sexual health, and Dr. Maragouthakis is the perfect source for all things genitals. And hey, if you want to receive more juicy stories like this and get some tips for spicing things up in the bedroom, sign up for The Hook-Up, Metro's sex and dating newsletter. We promise, it's worth it.

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