"Learn how to secure funding for your business with these 3 helpful tips on raising capital."

Funding Circle's Sam Hodges offers advice for new entrepreneurs on how to create successful businesses that are appealing to investors.

March 18th 2024.

It's no secret that starting a business is no easy feat, and it's even more challenging for black female entrepreneurs. Despite being the fastest-growing group of business owners, they have always struggled to secure the necessary capital to expand and thrive. However, one company is changing the game and making it easier for these entrepreneurs to access the funding they need.

Funding Circle is a peer-to-peer lending platform that connects investors with small- and medium-sized businesses in need of financing. Through this platform, thousands of entrepreneurs have been able to secure the funding they need to grow their businesses, hire more staff, and support their local communities. Co-founder and then-managing director, Sam Hodges, explains the company's mission to provide fair and accessible loans to high-quality entrepreneurs, particularly those who have been underserved, such as women and minorities.

Their ultimate vision is to create a virtual platform that simplifies the loan process for any entrepreneur, anywhere in the world. With just a few simple questions, entrepreneurs can determine their eligibility for loans ranging from $25,000 to $500,000. This has been a game-changer for many entrepreneurs, as they are able to reinvest the funds back into their business. What's even more impressive is that a significant portion of the entrepreneurs who have benefitted from Funding Circle's services are women and minorities.

BE had the opportunity to speak with Hodges about tips for budding entrepreneurs and how they can position themselves for success in building businesses that are both sound and appealing to potential investors. The first piece of advice Hodges offers is to keep accurate financial records. While it's natural for business owners to focus on their product and customers, it's also crucial to be able to explain the financial aspect of the business to investors or lenders. Keeping organized and up-to-date records is key.

Another important factor to consider is the scalability of your business and the competitive opportunities and financial resources available. Hodges has seen many entrepreneurs get ahead of themselves and burn through their capital too quickly, causing them to face challenges down the line. It's essential to have a realistic understanding of your business's growth potential and the necessary discipline to make it happen.

In addition to having a solid financial plan, Hodges also emphasizes the importance of having a strong team. While this may not directly affect the valuation of your business, he has seen that great entrepreneurs attract great people, which can greatly contribute to the success of the business.

Ultimately, Hodges believes that for a business to be considered a good investment, it needs to have a healthy financial standing and a clear plan for expansion. Showing revenue traction and stability is crucial, as well as having a clear understanding of the difference between equity and debt financing.

As the saying goes, "it takes a village," and in the world of entrepreneurship, this couldn't be more true. By following these tips and utilizing resources like Funding Circle, budding entrepreneurs can set themselves on the right path towards building successful businesses that not only benefit themselves but also their communities.

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