Learn how Doug and Atiya Parson became a successful real estate power couple by taking small, consistent steps towards their goals.

A prominent couple stands out in the fast-paced real estate industry for their skill and dedication.

February 17th 2024.

Learn how Doug and Atiya Parson became a successful real estate power couple by taking small, consistent steps towards their goals.
The real estate industry is known for its fast-paced and cutthroat nature, where fortunes can be made or lost in the blink of an eye. Amidst this chaos, one couple stands out for their exceptional skills in real estate, as well as their unwavering commitment to each other and their family. Despite the fact that only 6 percent of real estate agents in the US are Black, while 14 percent of the population is Black, Doug "Bricks" Parson and his wife, Dr. Atiya "Blondie" Parson, have defied the odds and achieved tremendous success together.

Doug, a renowned celebrity realtor and flipping expert, and Atiya, a seasoned realtor and business partner, have achieved their success through shared values, resilience, and a deep understanding of what it takes to build successful relationships and thriving real estate ventures. In their new book, "We Nailed It! The Blueprint for Relationships and Real Estate," they offer readers a unique blend of personal experiences, professional wisdom, and invaluable lessons learned on their journey.

BLACK ENTERPRISE recently had the opportunity to sit down with Doug and Atiya Parson and dive into the key themes of their book, which parallels the process of building and maintaining a home to that of a marriage. They opened up about their secrets to success in both love and business, starting with the foundation of their relationship.

Both Doug and Atiya come from challenging backgrounds, marked by absent fathers and personal struggles. However, it was their shared determination to create a better future for themselves and their family that brought them together. "Our differences actually brought us closer," Doug reflects, his voice filled with nostalgia and resilience. Atiya adds, "We wanted to create our own story and pave our own path." Despite their hardships, they found common ground in their values and aspirations, which laid a strong foundation for their relationship. "Our differences made us stronger," Doug proudly states. "We established clear boundaries for our children and ourselves to build a solid foundation."

In chapter 5 of their book, Doug and Atiya delve into the concept of protection in a marriage, using the metaphor of a house roof to illustrate its importance. "Without protection, you can't have a relationship or a marriage," Doug explains, his tone firm yet reassuring. The couple emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries and practicing transparent communication to safeguard their relationship from external threats. Atiya shares a personal experience that highlighted the need for clear communication in their real estate work, reinforcing the importance of maintaining this protective barrier. "It was a lesson in boundaries and transparency," she recalls, her eyes reflecting the wisdom gained from experience. "Communication is key to keeping that roof over our marriage and keeping out anything that threatens its integrity."

As they navigate through the ups and downs of life, Doug and Atiya have learned the importance of adaptability and growth in their relationship. "You have to take things one step at a time," Doug advises, drawing from his years of experience. "You learn as you go and you just get better." Their journey, marked by various stages and challenges, has taught them the value of evolving together and facing life's storms hand in hand. Atiya agrees, her gaze warm with affection. "Communication and shared experiences are crucial," she adds. "We've learned to adapt and grow together in both real estate and our relationship, finding strength in each other's presence."

As Doug and Atiya continue to inspire others with their success in both real estate and love, they remain committed to changing the narrative. "We've shown that we can make money," Doug exclaims, his voice brimming with excitement. "But we wanted to show that it's even more amazing to marry them." Their mission goes beyond just financial prosperity, encompassing relational fulfillment and personal growth. Through their book and personal experiences, they offer readers a roadmap for success, blending practical advice with heartfelt anecdotes. Their journey is a testament to resilience, love, and the transformative power of partnership, inspiring others to create their own success stories in real estate and in life.

In a world where success is often measured by monetary gain, Doug and Atiya Parson remind us of the true value of relationships and the importance of building a strong foundation, protecting what matters most, and growing and adapting together. As we look to their story, we are also reminded of the countless other Black couples who have made their mark in the business world, paving the way for future generations.

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