Leaked info damages PlayStation, Wolverine and Asgard's Wrath sequels could be in the works.

Reader sympathizes with Insomniac after hack; wishes they could buy Meta Quest 3.

December 20th 2023.

Leaked info damages PlayStation, Wolverine and Asgard's Wrath sequels could be in the works.
Marvel’s Wolverine is part of the biggest gaming hack ever
The Wednesday letters page feels bad for Insomniac Games after the hack of their servers, as a reader wishes he could afford a Meta Quest 3.
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Insider info
This hacking attack with Insomniac Games is crazy stuff. I realise you can’t go too much into the details, since it is stolen information and all that, but even the top level info like all the games they’re working on is crazy. We now know what Insomniac is working on until 2032! Talk about long term planning.
I looked into it a bit myself – all of this is on Reddit – and there’s some business stuff on there about Sony being worried about Microsoft buying Activision Blizzard, although it’s not clear if that’s before or after they actually did. But there’s also lots of legal and accounting stuff about the percentages Marvel are asking for to use their licences, which I’m sure Microsoft will take great in, now that they’re making Blade.
So my question is whether this is going to hurt Sony? It’s been a question all year really: does it matter whether we know about games in advance or not and why do they think it’s so important to keep it secret. Well, there’s no secrets now for Insomniac, but I don’t think there’s any real harm done. I’m looking forward to those new games, which is a good thing, right?
The worst is yet to come
I had a look at some of the leaked footage for the Wolverine game and… it’s kind of exactly what you’d expect? I realise you can’t show it here but it’s a third person game where Wolvie has his senses powers and can follow scent trails and figure out where people have been and that sort of thing. Kind of like detective vision, basically.
It looks pretty good even though it was alpha footage, so I imagine the final thing will look amazing. Crazy thing is though that the game files themselves also leaked. They don’t seem to have got them working yet but they seem pretty confident that they can play the whole game from it eventually, and pirate it long before it’s ever released. That has got to be a major blow for Sony and Insomniac, especially if the source code is in there too.
This is, what, the second or third time this has happened to Sony? And the fifth or sixth time to a games, publisher in general? Whatever kind of online security they’ve got it’s clearly not cutting it and this is a major blow that I’m sure will have lots of other really bad repercussions. I mean these are little companies that can’t afford good security, it’s Sony and Rockstar!
The long arm of the law
I can imagine how gutted the Insomniac developers must be over the hacks. I’ve never heard of anything this big before. The GTA 6 one didn’t really seem to get away with much of interest but this basically downloaded the whole company, almost literally if you consider all the personal data that got stolen as well.
And for what? Internet kudos points? The hackers didn’t seem to get any money out of it and now they’ve basically invoked a blood curse from Sony, who will be trying to make sure they all go to jail for a very long time. Which I bet they do, as these people always seem to get caught – and turn out to be some cliched teenager living in his mum’s basement.
Personally speaking I’m not much interested in Marvel and have never liked Ratchet & Clank so ironically there’s not much of personal interest to me. Although I would be curious to know what the IP is when it comes out *checks notes* in the next decade.
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No more secrets
So, Sony even had Insomniac working on live service games, eh? Shouldn’t be a surprise at this point, but the fact that they’re not any more, I think, just shows that the whole idea has been shelved. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of these hacked files show some proof of the arguments going back and forth at Sony, there’s got to be the minutes from minutes and that sort of thing, I would’ve thought.
If there’s more than a million files that is going to mean a lot of dirty secrets and all it needs is for some superfan to go through them all and find all the juicy details, which I’m sure they will.
It’s not good though, especially considering how often this sort of thing keeps happening. Leaks and rumours are bad enough but hacks completely spoiling all the surprises and reveals is even more disappointing. Even if E3 was still a thing they’ve have nothing more to announce anymore!
A moment of interest
What a terrible day for Sony and Insomniac. Now everyone, including Microsoft, knows everything they’d doing for eight years or more. And god knows what else will be found when people have gone through everything properly.
It’s not on though and I hope the hackers get caught. For us fans it’s interesting for a few minutes and then you just get on with your day, but for the people that have already been working on these games for years, to see it all just thrown out there for people to pick over. Including even working versions of the Wolverine game? That’s wild.
Reminds me of the time everything leaked out about The Last Of Us Part 2 ahead of time. The hackers are to blame of course, but whoever’s in charge of Sony’s cyber security is not doing their job properly.
Meta reality
I expected Asgard’s Wrath 2 to be good, but not that good! It’s currently 94 on Metacritic. GC saying it’s possibly the best VR game ever made is high praise indeed. I had a Meta Quest 2, but it was a touch uncomfortable for me. I have been considering a Meta Quest 3. Even more so now.
A friend has bought his son a Meta Quest 3 for Xmas, which comes with Asgard’s Wrath 2. I say his son, it’s one of those presents us dads love to buy. I wonder if my daughter would like one?
Meanwhile, Xbox are still searching for a killer app and Sony have put PlayStation VR2 out to die. Yet it’s Facebook who come up with a killer app and are killing Sony in the VR space. PlayStation VR2 is a great headset but even if Sony do start making some games for it, there isn’t a hope it can catch the popularity of the Meta Quest.
The reasons are simple. You don’t need to purchase a console to use it. Being a self-contained system is a huge advantage, not to mention it is significantly cheaper as a result. Perhaps more significant, it’s wireless.
I will be very surprised if we see PlayStation VR3. Not unless it is a standalone unit like the Meta Quest. You can now play Xbox games on the Meta Quest also. I recall the big screen experience being very impressive on Meta Quest 2. I think I’m sold.Marvel's Wolverine is part of the biggest gaming hack ever and it's not looking good for Insomniac Games. I read the Wednesday letters page and it was clear the reader was devastated that they couldn't afford a Meta Quest 3. It's a shame, because these kinds of hacks can have serious repercussions on a business.

I did some digging and it seems like this is a pretty major attack. Not only did it reveal all the games Insomniac were working on until 2032, but it also revealed some of their business dealings, like the percentages Marvel were asking for to use their licences.

So I'm sure the question on everyone's mind right now is what's Sony going to do about it? It's been a big question all year - does it matter if we know about games in advance and why is it so important to keep it secret?

Well, the worst is yet to come. Not only did the footage for Wolverine leak, but the game files leaked too. It looks like people will be able to play the game before it's ever released - and pirate it - if they can get the source code running.

That's got to be a huge blow for Sony and Insomniac. It's the second or third time this has happened to Sony and the fifth or sixth time to a games publisher in general. Whoever's in charge of Sony's online security is not doing their job properly.

What's more, it's not looking good for Insomniac either. They had to shelve their live service games and now everyone knows their plans for the next decade. How embarrassing.

It's a real shame, especially when you consider how hard Insomniac's developers must have worked on these games. It's one thing to have leaks and rumours but to have the whole thing hacked is really disappointing - especially when you think about the reveals and surprises that we'll never get.

I hope the hackers get caught and face the consequences for their actions. It's all well and good for us fans to find it interesting for a few minutes, but for the people who have worked on these games for years, to see it all just thrown out there like that? It's terrible.

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