Leaked documents expose Putin's covert tactics for waging psychological war.

The secret operation is called 'Doppelganger'.

September 6th 2024.

Leaked documents expose Putin's covert tactics for waging psychological war.
The US government recently uncovered a shocking Russian plot to wage psychological warfare in Europe. It seems that the Russians had a plan to manipulate Europe's most influential people through the use of social media. They flooded various platforms with lies from the Kremlin, hoping to sway public opinion and create chaos. This secret campaign, code-named "Doppelganger," utilized influencers, AI technology, and bot accounts to spread Putin's propaganda to a vast online audience.

According to documents from Russian psychological warfare meetings, the goal of this operation was to influence British and European politicians, discredit the US and Nato, and reduce support for Ukraine. These documents, totaling 277 pages, were revealed in court after the US government indicted two Russian citizens and seized 32 internet domains related to the plot. It is believed that this plan has been in place for at least the past two years.

The details of this operation were published by Politico, and it explains how the Russians aimed to trigger emotional reactions from people on social media. This included leaving comments on posts from popular accounts that focused on politics and economics. One example mentioned in the affidavit was a remark stating, "Americans are such scumbags!" This type of language would inevitably sow division and spark heated debates among users.

The Russian propaganda campaign even had specific goals, with key performance indicators (KPIs) in place. The court filing stated that the plan aimed to reach 1,000 comments per day, per country, and 30,000 comments per month, per country. The ultimate goal was to achieve 60,000 comments per month for France and Germany combined. It was clear that the Russians were determined to spread their false narrative far and wide.

One of the core tactics of the Russian strategy was the use of fake news. They relied on copycat domains to spread false articles and videos, making them appear to come from legitimate sources. Germany was identified as a particularly vulnerable target for this type of interference. The court filing also revealed that the Russians had a specific plan in place to influence the 2024 American election.

In the midst of all this, another bombshell report has surfaced, shedding new light on Vladimir Putin's personal life. According to the Dossier Centre, a new report claims that the Russian president has two secret sons with former Olympic gymnast, Alina Kabaeva. It is believed that Alina attended many events at the Kremlin in the mid-2000s. The organization, which tracks criminal activity associated with the Kremlin, claims that these children live like princes in luxurious homes, away from the public eye.

As reported by the Dossier Centre, the boys have a deep love for Disney characters, much like millions of other children. The report stated that one of the sons, Ivan Putin, 9, prefers Disney cartoons and often pretends to be their characters, much to the displeasure of his parents. The boys were seen shaking hands during a meeting with gymnasts, and it is clear that they live a life of luxury, guarded by Federal Protective Service officers and surrounded by nannies, governesses, and professional trainers.

The boys' existence was kept secret, and no birth records are available for them. They reportedly live in palaces owned by their father, with one of them allegedly having a gold toilet brush. The Dossier Centre revealed that the brothers have little contact with their peers and see very little of their parents. However, they cherish the rare moments they get to spend with their father.

Alina Kabaeva, who is believed to be Putin's fiance, is a member of the Russian Duma and a former champion gymnast. The 41-year-old rose to fame in rhythmic gymnastics, earning numerous Olympic, World Championship, and European Championship medals. It is believed that she met Putin between 2006-2007, and they got engaged one year later. At the time, Putin was still married to his first wife, Lyudmila, but they were reportedly living apart. They officially divorced in 2013, with the controversial announcement made on camera for Russian media.

If the Dossier Centre's report is accurate, Putin has a total of four children: Maria Vorontsova and Katerina Tikhonova from his first marriage, along with Ivan and Vladimir Putin with Alina Kabaeva. Maria, 39, works as an endocrinologist, while Katerina, 37, is an accomplished dancer and the head of Russia's National Intellectual Development Foundation, Innopraktika. Putin regularly emphasizes the importance of large families, stating that it is vital for the growth of the population.

On International Women's Day, Putin spoke about the importance of motherhood, calling it an "exquisite purpose" for women. He also stressed the need for families to have at least three children, stating that it was the "minimum need" for population growth. It is clear that Putin values family and cherishes the rare moments he gets to spend with his children.

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