Leaders of the NAACP in Detroit celebrate the 60th anniversary of Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech at the June Jubilee.

NAACP leaders commemorate MLK's march for jobs, justice, and freedom with June Jubilee this weekend.

June 23rd 2023.

Leaders of the NAACP in Detroit celebrate the 60th anniversary of Dr. King's
This weekend, NAACP President and CEO Derrick Johnson will be joining other NAACP leaders to celebrate June Jubilee. This event marks the 60th Anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr’s March for Jobs, Justice, and Freedom in Detroit. Among those attending are Chairman Leon W. Russell, Vice Chair Karen Boykin Towns, and the Detroit branch of the NAACP, as well as other local and national politicians, activists, and civil rights advocates.

The event is to commemorate the historic march on June 23, 1963, when Dr. King gave his famous “I Have A Dream” speech. On Friday, a life-like statue of Dr. King will be unveiled in Hart Plaza in downtown Detroit. On Saturday, activists and supporters of the cause will march down Woodward Ave, retracing the steps of Dr. King, followed by a rally at Hart Plaza with food trucks and an opportunity to join the NAACP. Interested participants can register here.

The weekend will conclude on Sunday with the Fight for Freedom Fund Dinner at Huntington Place. The dinner was initiated in 1956, during a time when African Americans were facing racism and violence but continued to have hope and determination. All June Jubilee events, except for the Freedom Fund dinner, are free and open to the public.

June Jubilee is one of the biggest gatherings of individuals who are committed to ending racism, discrimination, police brutality, over-incarceration, unequal education, and an unjust justice system. It comes one week after Juneteenth, which saw Black Americans celebrating with food festivals, parties, and other events. With June Jubilee ending the month, June has become a month of celebration for Black men and women.

The NAACP has been advocating and litigating for civil rights since it was founded in 1909. Its legacy is built on the tireless work of civil rights pioneers in the 20th century and is sustained by 21st century activists. June Jubilee is a wonderful event to showcase the strength of the NAACP and to start conversations about the civil rights of Black Americans.

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