Lauren's killer revealed in shocking Coronation Street week! Get the full spoilers now.

The long-awaited truth finally revealed.

May 27th 2024.

Lauren's killer revealed in shocking Coronation Street week! Get the full spoilers now.
After months of speculation and suspense, the truth about Lauren Bolton's disappearance is finally about to be revealed on Coronation Street. In a special week of episodes starting on Monday, May 27, fans will finally get the answers they've been waiting for.

It all started when Lauren vanished from her flat in the precinct, leaving behind signs of a struggle and bloodstains. The last person to see her was beloved cafe owner Roy Cropper, who was subsequently arrested for her murder. But as we all know, Roy is not capable of such a heinous act.

Enter Nathan Curtis, the man responsible for grooming and raping Bethany Platt in 2017. With his return to Weatherfield, he has become another possible suspect in Lauren's disappearance. And as the truth unfolds, there will be more twists and turns than anyone could have imagined.

Sarah Platt is particularly affected by Nathan's presence, as she feels she can't stay in the area while he's still around. Desperate to get rid of him, she takes matters into her own hands and plants evidence in his van at the building site. But her actions don't go unnoticed, as she is caught by police officer Kit Green.

Meanwhile, Nathan is arrested for breaching his sexual harm prevention order, thanks in part to some USB sticks found in his van. But the real shock comes when one of Lauren's hairs is discovered in the van. Could this be the crucial piece of evidence needed to solve the case?

As the police continue their investigation, suspicions arise about solicitor Joel Deering's involvement. Some fans even wonder if he could be Nathan's brother. And when he agrees to represent Nathan and sits in on the police interviews, his true intentions are called into question.

But it's not just Nathan and Joel who are caught up in the chaos. Roy finds himself in grave danger when a former associate of Lauren's father, Griff Reynolds, targets him for revenge. And poor Bobby Crawford's misguided attempt to help Roy only leads to more trouble for him and Carla.

And just when it seems like all hope is lost, Bethany makes a breakthrough in the case. With the help of a former client who was also groomed by Nathan, she uncovers some shocking information that could finally bring justice for Lauren.

But the biggest clue of all comes from a surprising source - Hope Stape. The young girl finds a necklace that could be the missing piece of evidence needed to solve the case once and for all.

With all these developments and twists, it's sure to be an explosive and emotional week on Coronation Street. Fans won't want to miss a single episode as the truth about Lauren's killer is finally brought to light.

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