Lauren Goodger relies on the gym for healing after receiving upsetting news.

She's struggling right now.

May 14th 2024.

Lauren Goodger relies on the gym for healing after receiving upsetting news.
Lauren Goodger recently shared her struggles with anxiety and how she has found solace in exercise during a trying time in her life. The TV personality opened up about her two-year-old daughter, Larose, who has been dealing with a viral infection, causing Lauren's anxiety to skyrocket. As any parent would, she has been worried sick about her child's health and well-being.

For Lauren, this situation is especially stressful due to a past tragedy. In July 2022, she lost her second daughter, Lorena, just two days after she was born. In a heartfelt social media post, Lauren referred to herself as a "grieving mother" and expressed her struggles with understanding why such bad things happen in life.

In her post, Lauren also mentioned that she had been up all night monitoring her daughter's high fever and trying to figure out what was wrong. On top of that, she received some horrible news that left her in tears all day. Despite her own struggles, she made sure to hide her emotions from her daughter, not wanting to upset her.

Lauren continued to share her story, explaining how she has coped with her loss through exercising and therapy. She admits that she has been in a "bubble" with her daughter, trying to find some sense of normalcy after such a traumatic event. But she also acknowledges that she has lost a lot during this time and has been dealing with high cortisol levels.

Despite her struggles, Lauren has been trying to stay positive and make positive changes in her life. She has been going back to work and hitting the gym regularly, which she refers to as her "medicine." She also gives credit to therapy for helping her through this difficult time.

On Monday, Lauren was spotted in Essex, looking concerned and talking on the phone while wearing gym gear. She also shared images on her social media story of herself at the gym, looking in the mirror and taking multiple pictures. But then, as if life wasn't already tough, something else happened that tried to tear her down again.

Lauren's post continued, revealing that she is a "nervous wreck" and has to deal with everything on her own, without any help or support from others. She mentions that she doesn't mean to sound ungrateful, as she is grateful for many things in her life, but she can't help but feel overwhelmed and anxious, especially when her daughter is unwell.

But later in the day, Lauren shared a positive update on her Instagram story. She was able to see a doctor who told her that her daughter's issue was viral and that she should return in a couple of days if her fever didn't go down. It was a small victory in the midst of everything else she was dealing with.

Lauren shares her daughter with her ex-boyfriend, Charles Drury, and despite their turbulent relationship and recent split, she still makes sure that Larose has a relationship with her father. She believes that it is important for her daughter to have both parents in her life, regardless of their own relationship status.

In an interview with Mail Online, Lauren expressed her dedication to co-parenting with Charles, saying that Larose sees them both equally and that she would never want to change that. She also shared that earlier this year, Charles was cleared of assaulting her on the day of Lorena's funeral, and despite their differences, she would never keep him from seeing his daughter.

Lauren's story is a reminder that even in the midst of our own struggles, we must prioritize the well-being and happiness of our children. She has shown strength and resilience in the face of tragedy and continues to find ways to cope and move forward.

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