Laurel steps in to protect Marshall from Colin, his aggressive and anti-LGBTQ+ father.

Laurel has a goal she is trying to accomplish.

March 4th 2023.

Laurel steps in to protect Marshall from Colin, his aggressive and anti-LGBTQ+ father.

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Will her strategies succeed?

Laurel is moved to act when she learns a nasty truth about Marshall and his association with his father, but will her actions in Emmerdale put the teenager in harm's way?

After uncovering something shocking about Marshall, Laurel quickly sets about giving Colin a stern talking-to, insisting he come and get his son. Her motives are good, but her steps will spark off a disastrous sequence of events.

She doesn't have a clue about the degree of mistreatment Marshall has endured at the hands of his dad. As she gets ready to phone Colin, Marshall starts to cry uncontrollably, and it dawns on her that something more serious might be happening.

However, it's too late, Colin is on his way to collect his son. When he arrives, he catches Marshall and Laurel off-guard by drawing Marshall into an affectionate, paternal hug and then informing the confused lad he can stay at Hotten Academy and remain friends with Arthur. Say what now?

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