Lady used Yorkshire pudding to attract runaway monkey.

Scottish monkey Honshu was loose for five days.

February 2nd 2024.

Lady used Yorkshire pudding to attract runaway monkey.
Stephanie had quite the surprise this morning when she looked out of her window and saw Honshu the monkey staring right back at her. This particular monkey had been on the run in Scotland for five days, causing quite a stir in the area. But fortunately, Stephanie was able to lure him back with a delicious roast dinner, specifically a Yorkshire pudding.

Honshu, a Japanese macaque monkey who had escaped from Highland Wildlife Park, had been evading authorities for almost a week. He had even earned himself the nickname "Kingussie Kong" from the public. But as soon as he spotted the leftover Yorkshires that Stephanie had put outside, his wild adventure came to an end. Stephanie, who had spotted the monkey in her garden, immediately phoned the hotline to report the sighting.

In an interview with 5 News, Stephanie shared her surprise at seeing the monkey staring at her through her sun room window. She admitted to feeling shocked but also excited to have such an interesting story to tell her grandchildren. Honshu had been missing for five days before Stephanie found him, and he quickly scurried away from her garden after leaving her a little gift in the form of droppings.

Fortunately, the team at Highland Wildlife Park received a call from a resident who had spotted Honshu in their garden. He had raided their bird feeder and they were able to track his movements using thermal imaging. The team was able to tranquilize Honshu with a dart and safely bring him back to the park. The whole capture was caught on drone footage, which was shared by the team at BH Wildlife Consultancy.

Keith Gilchrist, the living collections operations manager at Highland Wildlife Park, confirmed that they had successfully caught Honshu and were in the process of reintroducing him to the group of sub-adult males. He also expressed his gratitude to everyone who had helped in the process and promised to share any further updates.

Alan Bannon, head of communications at the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland, shared his relief at finally having Honshu back in their care. He explained that they had received a call from a member of the public who had spotted the monkey helping himself to a bird feeder in their garden. The team sent out their drone team and keepers, who were able to confirm that it was indeed Honshu.

During his adventure, Honshu had even paid a visit to other people, including Carl Nagle and his partner Tiina Salzberg, who saw him nibbling on nuts in their bird feeder and perching on their garden fence for around 15 minutes before running away. But now that he has safely returned to the wildlife park, Dr Scott Miller reassured fans that Honshu is recovering from the tranquilizer dart and is in perfect health.

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