Kodagu joins Bangalore Super Division League

Chettali, June.27: A proud moment for the Kodagu football team. The Kodagu Football Club of the district has entered the Super Division League of Bangalore. The number of football lovers and players is increasing daily in the Kodagu district. Football tournaments are held every year in many parts of the district but local talent is missing out on the next opportunity. In recognition of this, the INS sports organization in the village of Guddeohosur, near Kushalanagar, formed a team of Kodagu Football Club from 2020-21, giving the talented players the opportunity to participate in the C division tournament in Bangalore. The players of the Kodagu Football Club team performed spectacularly.

(This article is translated by xklsv.me, from shakthidaily.info; the Shakthi Daily is not liable for any errors in translation. If there are any errors in spellings, please mail [email protected])
