Kim on Emmerdale finds important evidence, changing the game.

Getting closer.

July 29th 2024.

Kim on Emmerdale finds important evidence, changing the game.
In the latest episode of Emmerdale, the viewers saw the cunning Kim Tate still residing at the B&B and dealing with Bob's lackluster coffee. However, her main focus was trying to uncover the mastermind behind the plot to remove her from Home Farm. She was certain that it was not Rose Jackson, as she held a low opinion of her and believed that she was just an accomplice in the scheme. Kim's stay at the B&B was a result of Rose's attempt to spike Will's drink in order to put him in a compromising position. Unfortunately, it was Dawn who ended up consuming the spiked drink and later got into a car accident. Dawn, who is a former drug addict, immediately suspected that she had been drugged and pointed the finger at Kim, who has a history of such actions. To further incriminate Kim, Ruby arranged for a fake drug dealer to confront her at Home Farm and demand money.

With her family turning against her, Kim had no choice but to temporarily leave Home Farm. However, she was determined to return as soon as possible and her first step was to uncover the true mastermind behind Rose's actions. In a recent episode, viewers saw Kim meeting with the alleged drug dealer in a secluded area. She offered him £2,000 to reveal who had paid him to supply drugs to Rose. However, the man refused to divulge any information, claiming to be a man of his word. Kim then increased the offer to £10,000, but the man still refused, stating that the person who hired him had more money than that.

Kim's suspicions have now fallen on Caleb Milligan, the only person in the village besides her with enough money to orchestrate such a scheme. It is well known that he harbors a deep hatred towards Kim for her role in the death of his father, Frank Tate. Kim has also assured her friend Lydia that she has something big planned for Caleb if he is indeed the mastermind. However, viewers know that it is not Caleb, but his wife Ruby, who is actually pulling the strings. Rose owes her a large sum of money and in return, Ruby expects her to do her bidding.

This has led to speculation that Ruby and Rose could be sisters, as their relationship has never been fully explained. There was a brief scene when Caleb seemed to recognize Rose, leading to the theory that Ruby and Rose could be estranged siblings. It is known that Ruby is estranged from her family after choosing Caleb over them, so it is possible that Caleb hasn't seen Rose in many years.

Another interesting theory is that the "drug dealer" could actually be a member of the Fox family. Past drug dealers on Emmerdale would have gladly accepted Kim's offer of £10,000, so it is possible that this particular dealer is working out of loyalty to the Fox family rather than for money.

With Kim hot on Caleb's trail, it is only a matter of time before she uncovers the truth behind the plot and the consequences could be quite intriguing. Stay tuned to find out what happens next on Emmerdale. And for all the latest spoilers, gossip, and exclusive interviews, join our community of 10,000 soap fans on Metro's WhatsApp Soaps group. Just click on the link and join the chat. Don't forget to turn on notifications so you never miss out on the latest updates!

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