Kim Jong-un's sister is the mastermind behind North Korea's leader.

She's the co-leader of a criminal organization.

June 7th 2024.

Kim Jong-un's sister is the mastermind behind North Korea's leader.
According to recent reports, Kim Yo-jong, the sister of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, is more than just a mere puppet master in the secretive regime. Some experts even see her as a "walking life insurance policy" for her brother, capable of taking over in the event of his death.

In a new biography titled "The Sister," author Dr. Sung-Yoon Lee reveals some fascinating details about Kim Yo-jong's role in the North Korean government. While her brother was known for slacking off in school, Kim Yo-jong was actually a bright and studious student during their time in Switzerland. She even speaks English fluently, as confirmed by multiple Americans who have met with her.

It was believed that Kim Yo-jong could potentially succeed her brother as the leader of North Korea, until he revealed his daughter Kim Ju-ae to the public as a show of power. However, Dr. Lee believes that Kim Yo-jong is still in the running, as Kim Ju-ae is still too young to take over. In fact, Dr. Lee sees her as the only person who fits the criteria of being a direct descendant of the state's founder, capable and experienced enough to assume the throne.

But with this potential succession comes the concern of how Kim Yo-jong would rule. Some experts believe that she could possibly be more compliant and pleasant than her brother, but Dr. Lee remains skeptical. He points to the history of purges and bloodbaths under previous rulers, and the hundreds of purges that occurred during Kim Jong-un's rise to power.

Despite her potential to take over as leader, Kim Yo-jong currently holds an important role in North Korea as a "co-crime boss." She is seen as the face of the regime's charm offensive, and played a key role in the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics when she visited South Korea in a seemingly warm and friendly manner. However, her role has taken a more sinister turn in recent years, as she has become more aggressive and hostile towards South Korea.

In a display of her cunning, Kim Yo-jong orchestrated the destruction of a joint-liaison building funded by South Korea on North Korean soil, and even threatened to send troops to the border. However, her brother took a more restrained approach and announced that they would suspend their plans. Dr. Lee sees this as a clever role reversal, with Kim Yo-jong coming across as the more aggressive and unreasonable one, while her brother appears more level-headed and reasonable.

But as history has shown, this could all be a ploy to further North Korea's agenda. And in this potential future charm offensive, it is likely that Kim Yo-jong will once again take on the role of the friendly and approachable face of the regime. The closed-up country has already sunk to new lows in their recent antics against South Korea, such as sending hundreds of "poo balloons" over the border. It remains to be seen what role Kim Yo-jong will play in the future of North Korea, but one thing is certain - she is a force to be reckoned with.

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