Kiefer Sutherland shares heartfelt words about his father, acknowledging his father's remarkable qualities.

Kiefer Sutherland talks about his father in an exclusive interview.

July 18th 2024.

Kiefer Sutherland shares heartfelt words about his father, acknowledging his father's remarkable qualities.
Kiefer Sutherland, a well-known actor, enters the room to join us at the Gibson Garage. With a burst of energy, he grabs a guitar from the wall and starts playing, captivating everyone in the room. Despite holding us "musically hostage," his charm wins us over and we are all thoroughly enjoying his impromptu performance.

After a few minutes, the 57-year-old actor shifts gears and becomes introspective and warm. He shares stories of his time in the rodeo, his long career, and the importance of living life with unexpected twists and turns. One topic that he speaks about with great fondness and admiration is his late father, the legendary Donald Sutherland. It is a particularly touching subject now, as his father passed away at the age of 88 shortly after our meeting.

Kiefer himself shared the news of his father's passing on June 20, through a heartfelt post online. He spoke of his father's immense contribution to the film industry and how he was one of the most important actors in its history. Kiefer also mentions how his father never shied away from any role, whether it was good, bad, or ugly. He truly loved what he did and did what he loved, and that is something to be admired. Kiefer's eyes light up as he speaks about his father, and it is evident that he sees him as a cultural icon.

The actor reminisces about a time when he was 18 or 19 years old and had a life-changing experience. He watched almost all of his father's greatest films in one sitting, thanks to a friend's vast homemade VHS collection. Kiefer lists off the movies he watched, including Fellini's Casanova, Bertolucci's 1900, Kelly's Heroes, M*A*S*H*, and one of his personal favorites, a Nic Roeg film. It was a moment that he will never forget, and it opened his eyes to the diversity and talent of his father's acting abilities.

Kiefer also shares a humorous anecdote about how he had never seen any of his father's films until he was an adult. He explains that it was not because his parents had split up, but rather that he was not allowed to watch them as a child because they were all restricted movies. He recalls feeling like a "bad son" and calling his father to apologize for not realizing how special he was and how incredible his performances were. His father's response was heartwarming, asking him who's house he was staying at when he watched the films.

As he speaks about his father, Kiefer also reflects on his own unique name, Kiefer William Frederick Dempsey George Rufus Sutherland. He laughs as he admits that he has no idea why he has so many titles, including his mother's maiden name and a close friend of his father's. He jokes that his mother was not amused by it, but it is clear that he has a great relationship with both of his parents and does not credit them for his success in Hollywood.

When asked about the topic of nepotism, Kiefer initially pretends not to know what it means, claiming that he does not have a computer. But after some prodding, he shares his thoughts on the subject. He points out that if someone's father is a carpenter, no one has a problem with their children following in their footsteps and becoming carpenters themselves. So why is it any different in the entertainment industry? Kiefer believes that it is all about exposure and opportunity, and he acknowledges how fortunate he has been in his career.

Leaving home at the age of 15 and moving to New York to attend theatre school, Kiefer was already working in the industry. He laughs as he reveals that he was actually kicked out of theatre school, but it did not stop him from pursuing his passion for acting. He also mentions that he has released three albums of music, showcasing his diverse talents.

As we wrap up our conversation, it is clear that Kiefer has a deep appreciation for his father, his family, and his career. He is grateful for the unexpected journey that has led him to where he is today, and he continues to make his mark in the entertainment industry.
Kiefer Sutherland walked into the room, and his presence was immediately felt. He grabbed a guitar off the wall and started playing a song, captivating the entire room with his energy and talent. It was clear that this was a man who loved what he did and had a natural charm that drew people in.

After a few minutes of his impromptu performance, Kiefer sat down with us for an interview. Despite his fame and success, he was introspective and warm, sharing details about his life and career. He spoke with pride about his time in the rodeo and the importance of living a life full of unexpected experiences.

One topic that Kiefer spoke about at length was his father, the legendary actor Donald Sutherland. It was evident that Kiefer looked up to his father and saw him as a cultural icon. Sadly, just a short while after our meeting, Donald passed away at the age of 88. Kiefer's comments about his father, now in retrospect, were especially touching. He had announced the news himself on June 20, and it was clear that he was deeply affected by his father's passing.

Kiefer also shared that he had not seen any of his father's films until he was an adult. He explained that this was because he wasn't allowed to watch them as a child due to their restricted ratings. But when he was 18 or 19, he had a life-changing experience. He spent two days at a friend's house and watched six of his father's films, including some of his favorites like Fellini's Casanova and Bertolucci's 1900. It was a moment of realization for Kiefer as he finally understood the depth and diversity of his father's talent.

As Kiefer spoke about his father, it was clear that he still held him in high regard and that there was a sense of mystery surrounding him. Kiefer even laughed as he shared the story of how he ended up with such a long and unusual name, with various elements coming from different people in his life. But despite his famous parents, Kiefer did not credit them for his success. He had left home at a young age and worked hard to pursue his passion for acting.

When asked about the topic of nepotism in Hollywood, Kiefer initially played coy, claiming he didn't have a computer. But after some prodding, he opened up and shared his thoughts. He pointed out that it's not uncommon for children to follow in their parents' footsteps, just as a carpenter's children might become carpenters themselves. He also acknowledged his own fortunate upbringing but made it clear that he had worked hard to get where he was.

Aside from acting, Kiefer has also released three albums of music, showcasing his diverse talents. As our interview came to a close, it was clear that Kiefer was much more than just a famous actor. He was a multifaceted individual with a deep love for his craft and a strong sense of self.

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