"Kids as young as 10 being recruited into county lines drug gangs."

We have felt afraid in our house at certain moments.

June 7th 2024.

There have been moments in our home where fear has taken over our sense of security. One memory, in particular, stands out for Michael White. It was a harsh winter's evening when his 15-year-old son, George, returned home after spending the night with friends. However, something was off. Michael recalls his son looking like a ghost, as if something terrible had happened to him. It was later discovered that George had tested positive for Hepatitis A. And if that wasn't enough, he was also facing charges for robbery, all because he had been targeted by a drug trafficking gang.

Michael opens up about the fear that has consumed their home, explaining how his son had fallen victim to a dark and dangerous underground network known as County Lines. Through manipulation and grooming by the gang leaders, George had become their pawn in the illegal drug trade, despite his learning disabilities. Michael firmly believes that his son's dyslexia, dyspraxia, and dyscalculia made him the perfect target for the gang, who prey on vulnerable young children all over the UK.

It all started when George was contacted by older men through Snapchat, using the app to lure him into their trap. He would tell his parents that he was going to meet friends for a casual outing, but in reality, he was being sent on drug runs that covered over 400 miles between West London and west Wales. George made sure to turn off his Snap Maps, a feature that would allow others to track his location. It wasn't until Michael found multiple old phones and sim cards in his son's possession that he realized the extent of the situation.

Michael recalls the heartbreaking moment when George confided in him, revealing that he had been held at knifepoint in a trap house and forced to endure a night surrounded by drug addicts. The gang had threatened him, claiming they knew where he lived and would harm him if he didn't comply with their demands. There were other instances when George would return home in a daze, as if his body had walked through the door, but he wasn't really there.

Currently, George is facing trial for his involvement in a gang-orchestrated robbery. However, he is receiving help from Escapeline, a charity that has been a lifeline for his family. They were introduced to the organization by a Police and Community Support Officer after George's arrest. As part of his defense, support workers have emphasized how little control George had over his actions, as he was under the influence and manipulation of the gang.

At their home, paranoia has become an unwelcome guest in every room. Michael shares the constant fear and stress that consumes them, always on high alert at the slightest sound of a door or window. Although they have done their best to protect their son, he remains in danger at the hands of the gang.

The Metropolitan Police have identified some warning signs to look out for, which may indicate that a young person has fallen victim to County Lines. These include repeatedly going missing from school or home, having unexplained possessions, being secretive about their activities, declining performance in school or work, and significant changes in behavior and well-being.

It's an unfortunate reality that George's story is not uncommon. Police forces all over the country have seen a significant increase in the number of children arrested for drug offenses. According to exclusive data obtained by Metro, children as young as 10 have been detained by Sussex Police, Northamptonshire Police, and The Metropolitan Police.

Johnny Bolderson, a senior service manager at Catch22, a charity that supports vulnerable young people and their families, sheds light on the situation. He explains how children are easier targets for gangs, making them vulnerable to exploitation and manipulation. It's a heartbreaking reality, and one that needs to be addressed to protect the future of our youth.
"There have been moments in our home that have filled us with fear. One particular memory stands out in the mind of Michael White. It was a bitter winter evening when his 15-year-old son returned home after spending the night with some friends. However, instead of the usual cheerful and energetic boy, he came back looking like a ghost. It was clear that something terrible had happened to him. Michael recalls how his son, George, tested positive for Hepatitis A shortly after that incident. And now, at the age of 16, he is facing trial for a robbery that was orchestrated by a drug trafficking gang.

Michael shares his experience with Metro, saying, 'There have been times when we've felt scared in our own home.' He explains how County Lines, a shadowy underground system, was responsible for grooming his son into moving illegal drugs across the country. George, who suffers from dyslexia, dyspraxia, and dyscalculia, was the perfect target for these gangs who prey on vulnerable children in the UK to carry out their criminal activities.

These gangs use the railway network to exploit children and vulnerable individuals into trafficking drugs. George, a bright young boy from a financially stable family, was lured in by older men on Snapchat. 'He told us he was meeting some friends for McDonald's in London,' Michael recalls. But it was all a lie. George had been tricked into conducting drug runs between West London and west Wales, a journey of over 400 miles. He had even turned off his Snap Maps to avoid being traced. Upon searching his possessions, Michael found old phones and multiple sim-cards, indicating that his son was trapped in the hands of a criminal gang.

Michael continues his story, saying, 'George told us how he had been held at knifepoint in a trap house after his second run. He was denied food and forced to sit on the floor surrounded by drug addicts all night. I'll never forget the fear in his eyes as he recounted that experience.' The gang had threatened him, saying they knew where he lived and would harm him if he didn't comply with their demands.

Another incident involved George coming home in the pouring rain, but it was as if his body was there, but his mind was somewhere else. Michael explains that paranoia has become a constant companion in their home since then. 'You can't help but always be on edge, constantly listening for any unusual sounds, like a door or window opening. It's impossible to relax completely when you're constantly worried about the safety of your child, who despite your best efforts, remains in danger.'

Michael also shares some warning signs that could indicate a young person's involvement in County Lines gang activity, as stated by the Metropolitan Police. These include repeatedly going missing, having unexplained possessions or money, secretive behavior, decline in school or work performance, and changes in their emotional or physical well-being.

He adds, 'There have been times when we've felt scared in our home because of our own son. He's being forced to choose between a violent and coercive gang, and his family who he loves and knows what is right. He thinks he's protecting us by doing the gang's bidding.'

Sadly, George's story is not unique. Police forces all over the country have seen a significant increase in the number of children arrested for drug-related offenses. According to exclusive data obtained by Metro, over 49,000 incidents between 2017 and 2023 involved children under 16 being arrested for drug crimes. Shockingly, some police forces, such as Sussex Police, Northamptonshire Police, and The Metropolitan Police, have even detained children as young as 10.

Johnny Bolderson, a senior service manager at Catch22, a charity that supports vulnerable young people and their families, sheds light on this issue, saying, 'Children are easier targets for these gangs.' He emphasizes the need for more support and resources to help these children who have been caught up in the dangerous world of County Lines."

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