Kebabs are the most popular European dish, with 1 in 6 people eating them daily.

It won over beans on toast and carbonara as the number one choice!

June 13th 2024.

Kebabs are the most popular European dish, with 1 in 6 people eating them daily.
It's that time of the year again - the Euros are about to kick off, and the excitement is palpable. But this year, it's not just football that's causing rivalry among Europeans. Amazon has just announced the winners of their own tournament, where they pitted 24 national food dishes against each other to determine the ultimate champion. And the results are in, as voted by a staggering 75,000 members of Amazon staff. Unfortunately for England, their beloved beans on toast did not take the top spot. Instead, it was Turkey's succulent and flavorful kebabs that emerged as the "most loved" dish.

It's no surprise that kebabs won over the hearts (and stomachs) of many, with over half of the voters admitting to indulging in the dish at least once a week. In fact, one in six people confessed to eating it every single day. Among the kebab lovers, 32% were men, while 22% were women. The age group that showed the most love for kebabs was between 25 and 34, closely followed by 35 to 44-year-olds. Coming in second place was England's own beans on toast, followed by Italy's Carbonara, which was deemed the "most satisfying" food, and Spain's paella in fourth place. The top five was rounded out by Romania's Samale cu mămăligă, a dish featuring cabbage rolls with polenta.

But not all countries fared well in the food rankings. France, a strong contender in the Euros, crashed out with its famous bean stew, cassoulet, only receiving 1% of the overall votes. And while countries like Czech Republic, Holland, Croatia, and Slovakia may have high hopes for their football teams, their dishes - Svíčková, Nieuwe, Crni rižot, and Kapustnica respectively - did not fare well in the food tournament, scoring zero points.

The survey, part of Amazon's Chatterbox series, aimed to celebrate diversity by including over 108 nationalities in the voting process. And it's safe to say that kebabs have truly earned their victory, with Amazon employee Ivanna Mykhalchuk being one of the voters who helped secure their number one spot. "I love kebabs, I think they're a deserved winner," she said. "And it's probably a better dish to watch football with as I'm sure beans on toast could get quite messy!"

But not everyone shares Ivanna's love for kebabs. When it comes to the dish voted second place, the 28-year-old Ukrainian is not a fan. "I just don't get beans on toast," she said. "I'd never tried it before, I'd only heard about it and I'll be honest, it's not for me. I like toast and I like beans, but beans in a tomato sauce is not right! They're two things that shouldn't be eaten together and I will not be eating beans on toast again."

Do you have a different opinion on the matter? Share your thoughts and favorite food dish with us! And if you have a story to share, we'd love to hear it. Get in touch by emailing us at [insert email].

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