Katie Taylor's much-anticipated rematch with Amanda Serrano has been called off after the Puerto Rican fighter suffered an injury.

Serrano has sustained an injury which has caused the event to be delayed.

February 28th 2023.

Katie Taylor's much-anticipated rematch with Amanda Serrano has been called off after the Puerto Rican fighter suffered an injury.

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

Negotiations are in progress to set a new date for Katie Taylor's undisputed title rematch against Amanda Serrano in Dublin, which has been postponed due to an injury sustained by the Puerto Rican fighter. Talks are taking place to arrange a revised date for the fight, with further details to be announced in due course. In their first fight, Taylor defended her four world titles with a split decision victory in what was heralded as the greatest women's fight ever. Taylor has never competed professionally in Ireland and the hope was that the scheduled May rematch would end that wait. There were plans to stage the fight at Croke Park, the nation's largest stadium, but it was not possible to reach an agreement with the GAA. Now the 3Arena has been chosen as the venue and Taylor could still fight on that date, with the intent that the Serrano fight would still occur later in the year.

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

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