Katie Price had to euthanize a young pet due to public criticism about her handling of animals.

Eighth pet death in six years.

July 18th 2024.

Katie Price had to euthanize a young pet due to public criticism about her handling of animals.
Katie Price recently shared some heartbreaking news with her fans – she had to say goodbye to another beloved pet. As her new memoir, This Is Me, hit the shelves, the 46-year-old TV personality opened up about her love life, as well as the many animals she's had over the years. Sadly, one of her recent additions, a sphinx kitten named Frog, had to be put to sleep due to an incurable neurological disease.

Frog was only five months old when the disease took over, and this tragedy has only added to the criticism Katie has faced for the deaths of multiple animals in her care. In the past six years alone, she has announced the passing of five dogs, a horse, and even a heartbroken chameleon named Marvin. Despite the love and care she gave to each of her pets, their deaths have sparked concern from animal welfare groups and even a petition to ban Katie from owning any more animals, which has gained over 36,000 signatures.

Katie has always been open about her love for animals, and her bond with Frog was no exception. In her memoir, she shared a playful story about the kitten jumping in the bath with her, much to her amusement. However, things took a turn when she noticed that Frog was having trouble jumping on furniture. After a visit to the vet, she received the devastating news that her furry friend had a neurological disease that had spread rapidly throughout his body. Heartbroken, Katie had to make the difficult decision to put Frog to sleep.

Frog was a frequent presence on Katie's social media, often seen perched on her shoulder or snuggled up with her. His last appearance was 13 weeks ago, and it's unclear if Katie still has her other two sphinx cats, Dobby and Hagrid, or how many other pets she has in her home. In recent months, her home has been in the news after being raided by bailiffs.

In her memoir, Katie also addressed the horrific death of Princess's French Bulldog, Rolo, who was crushed under an electric armchair. She revealed that the breeder had given them CBD oil to give to the puppy, but it's unclear if this played a role in his death. Despite the breeder claiming they had given strict instructions not to leave the puppy unattended, Katie and her family were devastated by the tragic accident.

Along with Rolo, Katie has also lost other pets due to accidents, including one of her horses and her chameleon who is said to have died of a broken heart when her son Junior went to live elsewhere. The star's German Shepherd, Blade, also passed away last year after being hit by a car. In response, Katie adopted another Alsatian named Tank, but this also sparked controversy after a video emerged of her seemingly hitting him. It was later reported that Katie had given Tank away to her electrician just months after getting him.

Animal welfare groups have spoken out against Katie owning more pets, with PETA even offering her £5,000 in exchange for a legally binding agreement not to acquire any more animals. In response, Katie's representatives have stated that she has repeatedly asked to have a direct conversation with PETA, but they continue to address the issue through the media. The Agency has reached out to Katie's reps for comment. Despite the criticism and heartache, Katie's love for animals remains strong, and she continues to cherish the memories of her beloved pets.

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