Katie Piper's attacker could be released on parole, adding to her suffering.

Katie lost vision in her eye following the assault in 2008.

June 30th 2024.

Katie Piper's attacker could be released on parole, adding to her suffering.
There is an update on the case of Katie Piper, the TV presenter who was the victim of a horrific acid attack back in 2008. The man responsible for the attack, Daniel Lynch, is up for parole and could potentially be released from prison. Lynch, a martial arts expert and former boyfriend of Piper, was convicted five years ago for arranging the attack with Stefan Sylvestre, who threw the corrosive liquid at Piper.

The attack left Piper with life-altering injuries, including blindness in one eye and severe facial disfigurement. Lynch was sentenced to life in prison with a minimum term of 16 years for rape and ordering Sylvestre to carry out the acid attack. Sylvestre, on the other hand, received a life sentence with a minimum term of six years and was released on licence in 2018. However, he was recently recalled to prison for breaching his licence conditions and an arrest warrant was issued after he left the UK.

The parole board has confirmed that Lynch will have a private hearing on July 23 and 24 to determine if he is eligible for release. A parole hearing is granted when there is a realistic chance of release or if more information is needed from the convicted person. Victims are also given the opportunity to provide personal statements and can challenge the decision.

Lynch's violent past, including a previous conviction for pouring boiling water over a man, was brought to light during his trial. It was revealed that he had become obsessively jealous after briefly dating Piper and carried out the attack while fueled by steroids. Judge Nicholas Browne QC described Lynch and Sylvestre's actions as "pure, calculated and deliberate evil."

Following the trial, Piper bravely waived her right to anonymity as a rape victim and her journey to recovery was featured in a documentary. The show, titled "Katie: My Beautiful Face," gained over 3.3 million views. Piper went on to found the Katie Piper Foundation to support other burn victims. In 2022, she was awarded an OBE for her charity work and dedication to burns services.

Despite undergoing over 250 operations in the past decade, Piper has rebuilt her career as a broadcaster and activist. She hosts a podcast called "Katie Piper's Extraordinary People" and is a panellist on ITV's "Loose Women." She also presents her own breakfast show on the same channel. In 2018, she even competed in the hit BBC show "Strictly Come Dancing."

Piper has been incredibly open and brave in speaking about the impact of her attack, using her platform to raise awareness and campaign against acid attacks. In her victim impact statement, she described the attack as feeling like she was "burning in hell" and the aftermath as "worse than death." Despite the trauma and distress caused, Piper has repeatedly stated that she is "just so glad to be alive."

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