Joe Biden's numerous gaffes have called into question the success of his presidency.

Many are urging the US president to drop out of the upcoming November election.

July 13th 2024.

Joe Biden's numerous gaffes have called into question the success of his presidency.
The Democratic Party is facing a tough road ahead as the November presidential polls draw near. Many are questioning if Joe Biden is the right person to lead the party into the election against Donald Trump. The pressure for him to step down is increasing, especially after his disastrous performance in the recent debate with Trump. Members of the party were shocked by Biden's inability to keep up with Trump's attacks and insults. It's no wonder that people are now questioning how his supposed "cognitive decline" was kept hidden for so long. White House briefings have turned into shouting matches, leaving reporters feeling left out of the loop.

As Republicans rejoice in the opportunity to take down their 81-year-old opponent, donors are threatening to withdraw their support for the Democratic Party. Even Hollywood actor George Clooney has turned his back on Biden, publishing a scathing op-ed in The New York Times, telling him it's time to step aside. Rumors are swirling that even Barack Obama, a staunch ally of Biden, was given a heads-up by Clooney before the publication went live, but did not object to its content.

With the pressure mounting, let's take a look at some of the biggest blunders Biden has made during his time in office. From mixing up the presidents of Ukraine and Russia to accidentally referring to his political opponent, Trump, as his own vice-president, these gaffes have not gone unnoticed. In fact, they have become a talking point for Trump, who openly mocked Biden during the recent presidential debate on CNN. Even at the G7 Summit in Italy, Biden seemed to have lost focus and wandered off, causing Italian PM Giorgia Meloni to bring him back to the group.

Biden's verbal stumbles are not the only issue his team has had to deal with. Earlier this year, he was seen tripping not once, but twice, on his way up the stairs to Air Force One. With so many missteps and a disastrous debate performance, many are now calling for Biden to step down. The question that remains for Democrats is who has the strength and charisma to go against Trump if Biden is no longer an option. It's a tough decision, but the party must choose wisely as they face the challenge of the upcoming election.

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