Jason Manford shocked to find hair growing in unexpected area: "What's happening?!"

Growing older can be difficult to accept.

July 28th 2023.

Jason Manford shocked to find hair growing in unexpected area:
Jason Manford was getting ready for his role as the cowardly lion in the London Palladium's performance of the Wizard of Oz when he got the shock of his life. He was looking in the mirror when he saw something unexpected: a thick, wiry hair protruding from his left ear.

At first, he assumed it was a rogue hair from his head, but upon closer inspection realized that it was much more than that. He couldn't believe that he hadn't noticed it before, especially because it was so long - about an inch - and was connected to his ear.

"I thought, 'Oh, I've had my hair cut the other day and I can't believe that they've left a hair sticking out,'" he said. "So I went to pull it, and its connected to my ear!"

He was understandably surprised by this newfound ear hair, having never experienced anything like it before. He joked that he was going to get his ear "permed," but ultimately realized that this was just something that happens as you get older.

The 8 out of 10 cats star shared the video of his discovery online, alongside the words: "Truly one of the most disturbing things I've ever found on my body! God I hate getting older."

His fans were quick to offer sympathy and advice, with one person offering words of wisdom: "Yup. Ever since I got into my early 40s, hair has been sprouting everywhere. The stray 2 inch long eyebrow hairs are the worst." Another sympathiser wrote: "Great isn't it… The older you get, the less hair grows where it's supposed to and starts appearing everywhere else."

Ultimately, Jason realized that it wasn't that bad. He was still totally baffled by the situation, but was able to take it on the chin. So, there it is: Jason, it's not that bad.

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